How you meet

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It had been a long and stressful day at work and you just wanted to get home, run a bath and read a book.

Before getting home you had to do some shopping so you went to your local supermarket and picked up what you needed and put it on your trolley that was wobbling around the place as it has a mind of its own.

You never realised how much shopping you had bought until you picked the cheap bags up and left the shop.

When you had stepped outside it started raining, not just a little shower, it was as if a storm was brewing and the wind picked up as well. You didn't even have a jacket with you as it was nice this morning, typical English weather.

You started your walk home, going the usual route as there wasn't any other way.

You didn't know if it was the weather or the fact that you had a long day that it seemed to take ages to get home.

You kept your head down as the rain kept getting in your eyes but you soon bumped into something or someone and all your shopping fell out of the bags.

'I'm so sorry!' You hear and look up to see a nice looking man around your age, trying to pick up the shopping.

'Um, it's okay.' You say.

'Do you want to come inside and dry off?' The man asks me, standing up.

'No, it's okay, I don't want to intrude.' You reply.

'Honestly, you won't be, come inside and warm yourself up.' He replies smiling and you can't decline that offer so you accept it and follow him into his house.

'My name's Joe.' The man replies as he places your shopping on the kitchen counter.

'I'm Y/N.' You reply smiling.

'Lovely name for a lovely girl.' He replies and you blush.

A/N - send in requests ☺️

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