Chapter 7 Dirk's Secret

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I woke up and went downstairs. Dirk was cooking breakfast. I asked if I could help him, he said yes that he would enjoy the company. Dirk is an amazing cook! He showed me many different ways to cook! Just like me he always smiles. But, I can tell just like me he has something important and personal he's hiding. I want to know maybe I can find out. Oh but now's not a good time for that, just as we finish cooking breakfast everyone comes downstairs.
As they walk down I write "good morning," and bowed politely as they walk by.
They all say "good morning!"
After breakfast, I go back to my room because we have no school it's our break. I soon receive a knock on my door I open the door.
"Will you come to town with me to get a few things?" It was Dirk with a smile on his face but his eyes tell another story. I do the same act so when someone else does it I can tell just by looking into their eyes.
"Sure I love to!" I write. Maybe I can figure out what's wrong with him. As we walk to town I build up the courage and ask the question that has been racking my mind.
"It there something wrong?" I write.
"N-nothing why?" Dirk answers
I stop and he stops.
"Come with me..." I write, I give it to him, and start walking. He follows not questioning where am taking him. The truth is am taking him to a place I go to when am confused, angry, happy, sad, or just searching for answers. We arrive at the pond near the abandoned church in the woods, no one ever goes there only me. Unless you count yesterday when Yukio came to find me.
"Why are we here?" Dirk asked confused.
I write "you can't lie to me I mean you can try but I can tell your not fine believe me the stunt your pulling I have been my whole life I can tell by your eyes something is bothering you I brought you here to my hideaway no one ever comes here its a place I come to, to get things off my chest and am here to listen so what's really going on with you. You can trust me ill listen and give advice where it's needed."
He stares at me like I just gave a life long lesson.
"Your really amazing you know that no one has ever noticed."
"Like I said I have pulled that hole trick my whole life, I've gotten so good at it no one can tell if am lying or not but I can tell when others are." I wrote.
"Well, my father died long ago and today is the anniversary of his death."
"Am sorry to hear that, but its a time to remember him, if he was alive now would he want you to be so sad, I think you should just go see his grave and remember all of your good memories of him even the painful ones because those are the most beautiful ones and if you want I'll go with you." I write and smile at him
He gets big eyes, then hugs me out of nowhere, and begins to cry. I wrap my arms around him and pat his back to calm him.
"How do you know just what to say?" Dirk says through his tears.
"Because I go through the same thing the difference is both my parents are gone." I write and give it to him.
After all that we go to his father's grave, I place flowers on his grave, then put my hands together and pray with Dirk. Afterwards, we walk home where we are greeted by everyone. After dinner I go to my room to get ready for bed. I hear a knock on my door, its Dirk.
"I just wanted to say thanks for today." He gives me a present for a thanks.
I smile happily "anytime!" I write. He bowed politely and left. I close my door and sit on my bed, then opened the present. It was a new camera! I then placed it on my desk and go to bed happy.

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