Chapter 16 Apollo's sickness

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"Hail, remember....remember....our last words?" Said, my father
"Remember...Remember." said my mother
I wake, no bad dream but it feels as if it was. I check the clock 2:00 PM in the morning. I decided to go outside to clear my head, I get dressed and walk out my door. As I walked down the hall I hear something, it sounded like coughing. It was coming from Apollo's room, I walk to the door and knock. I hear shuffling around and someone opens the door.
"Oh hi, Hail- cough cough! " before Apollo could finish speaking he began to cough.
"Are you okay?" I sign because now they all understand what am saying throw my hands.
"Ya just the fl- cough cough!" Apollo looked pale white. He's so pale like the way my parents looked whe- stupid what are you thinking!
"May I come it? That is if I may?" I sign
Apollo replies "yes u may!" He says as joyfully as he can for someone in his condition.
"Lay down," I sign while helping him into his bed.
"Thanks, Hail- cough cough." He cannot finish his sentence.
He looks so tired, as well his body looks as if with just one touch he would break like glass.
"Stay right there." I sign.
"Ok Hailee," he replied.
I run. I head to the bathroom and get a wet washcloth, then return to Apollo. I gently place the cold wet washcloth upon his burning hot forehead.
"Thanks," he whispers "that feels really nice." He says with a smile upon his face.
I smile and gently pet his head, "no problem were all out of medicine so I'll run to the store and get some ok."
I get up to leave but then Apollo grabs my hand.
"Ummm....sorry am being childish." He blushes and laughs a little at himself.
I lay down next to him and we lay facing each other.
"Hail," he says as he puts his arms around me and pulls me to him so that am nuzzled in his chest "thanks and I love you." He kisses my forehead gently.
I feel at ease as if the dream I had earlier never happen. Now's not the time to be thinking such things!
"Hay Hail?" he asks with a whisper, "will you stay like this with me a little longer?"
I smile happily, "I'll stay with you as long as you need." I sign.
"No problem" I replied.
He pulls me closer into his chest.
He's warm, maybe its because he's sick no, he's natural warm it's nice. I snuggle into his chest more without realizing it and fall asleep.
" Hailee, don't live in fear my dear daughter." Said, my mother.
"Don't blame yourself for what has happened today." Said, my father
"Remember...Remember what we told you." They said "remember...Remember."
"I can't! Please tell me!" I scream.
"Remember...Remember that night." Said, my father.
"Its ok Hailee, am here." Said the mystery man "sleep peacefully ill watch over you, so you have nothing to worry about." Then I felt warmer and it felt as if I was being held close.
"Its ok sleep well." Said Apollo as he watched Hailee sleep "am here." He raped his arms around Hailee more tightly and pulled her closer to him then gently kissed her forehead. Hailee just stopped as if all her bad dreams had faded away.
I feel better as if nothing has happened. It feels as if someone has kissed my forehead as well but who?
I wake and my face is still snuggled in Apollo's chest. He was still sleeping or at least I thought he was.
"Oh, you're awake!" Apollo said looking down at my face.
"Sorry I must have past out." I sign
"It's ok!" He said, "I did too!"
Wait! That voice! It was Apollo I heard!
"Apollo." I sign
"What?" He replied
"I must have imagined it but, did you talk to me while I was sleeping? And did you wrap your arms around me, then kiss my forehead?" I sign
He blushes then answers " ya I did you looked bad like you were in pain I didn't know your nightmares were that bad I wanted to help in any way I could...I love you and I don't want to see you in pain like that." Apollo hugs me tighter.
"Thanks," I whisper.
"Hailee..." he stares at me.
Oops! I spoke! Idiot! You know what oh well I'll let myself slide this time.
Apollo pulls my face to his and kisses me gently then pulls away and looks me in the eyes. I blush bright red and get up. I guess am getting used to them kissing me all the time. I take his washcloth.
"Ill go wet this again." I sign
"Ok." He says with a smile on his face.
On my way back to his room I stop at mine and find medicine I keep stashed away in case of an emergency then return to Apollo's room.
"Here ill help you." I sign
"Thanks" Apollo replies
I lift his head and put the pile in his mouth then help him drunk the water. I place the new cold washcloth on his head.
I open Apollo's door and everyone is standing there staring at me.
"Sissy why are you in Apollo's room!?" Said, Tyree
"Ya!?" Everyone said
I bring them in and I and Apollo tell them everything.
"Oh, so you were helping Apollo!" Said Dark.
I nod my head and smile happily.
"Thanks to Hailee I am feeling much better and my fever is gone!" Apollo says enthusiastically.
"How do you know how to take care of people so well sis?" Asked Tyree
"Probably because of dad." Says Mitchell
I shake my head.
"Then how?" Asked Apollo questioningly.
"I had to learn on my own because I have always had to take care of myself." I sign
"Hailee..." they all say.
Out of nowhere Apollo hugs me!
"its ok i- no were are here now so depend on us more ok?" Says Apollo.
I smile but my face seems wet for some reason then I noticed am crying.
"Thank you." I sign, "thank you."
Apollo hugs me tighter.
After we all go downstairs and eat After I go upstairs and take a bath then head to bed.
I lay there thinking of Apollo's warmth and his kiss.
I began to fall asleep thinking about this hole day of

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