Chapter 33

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I looked up and saw Micheal still fighting lucifer, until he was punched to the ground.

When I saw that my heart and body froze, a sickening feeling rose inside me I wanted to vomit, he had so much blood on his face and everywhere else.

I had to do something.

This intense feeling of power was rising inside of my soul, all of the recent energy I used before was returning but more of it was coming.

Slowly and slowly everything was becoming background noise, all I could pay attention to was Micheal and how he layed lifeless on the ground, I felt like my soul had been annihilated.

I could hear Chase calling my name but I couldn't respond.

I could feel something inside of me changing, and it was changing me, slowly I was loosing fear, I wasn't afraid anymore.

I walked over to Chase and passionately kissed him, and once I did his body ingolfed into flames, it was so much energy.

"Chase, I need you to stall Lucifer for as long as you can, after I tend to Micheal.."

"I'm going to end this"

Chase's face was red, he was blushing so hard, it made me blush a little. "End..end what baby?"

I looked up at Chase, "I'm going to kill lucifer..I know I can"

Chase froze for a good ten seconds, a seductive smile grew on his face.

"You are so sexy" "and ussually I would tell you no..but for some reason I trust you"

I nodded my head.

"You better"

He smiled and went off to fight lucifer, and I went to Micheal. "Micheal!" His head slowly turned in my direction, the longer I stared at him in this condition, the more pissed off and soul shattered I became,

He went to talk and when he did he started to cough up blood, "M-MICHEAL!" he started to chuckle, "I' fine" "I,ll be ok Inphy, please don't worry about me I,ll be fine remember.."

"I only die when you die" tears streamed down my cheeks, then his eyes became bigger.

" eyes" I was confused what about my eyes?

"They are beautiful,they are glowing a bright ruby are just so..


"Micheal that's enough you need to rest" I used my abilities to put him in a bubble and float him off to the side, that way no demons can hurt him or anything.

"Chase!" Chase nodded his head and flew back near Micheal, Micheal sat up and saw me walking up to lucifer, he was screaming my name,

Hearing him beg for mercy for me to not go nearly killed me, it tore me apart to hear or see Chase and Micheal in pain, because I love them both so much but I had to do this.

For Chase and Micheal's parents
For the world.

Lucifer looked up at me and he grew a smile on his face, like he knew he was about to kill me but I was about to prove him wrong.

"So you've finally come to kill me..or atleast that's what you plan to do.."


My body froze..he knew my name.

He was changing into everything, into different animals, different people.

"I can change and be whatever and whoever I want, because of all of the souls I have, but I'm sure you already know don't you?"

"I welcome you to hell Inphy"

As soon as he spoke those words, my inner soul awakened. I call it my inner soul because that's what it felt like I had so much energy, so much power.

He went charge up to my face, I had to think and act fast so I did. I had a thought of keeping him in the same place, and that's what happened.

He couldn't move, doing it was kind of hard because of how strong he was.

I slowly started to walk forward, I started to think about everything, how many innocent people he has killed and done wrong to, Chase and Micheal's parents, the longer I stared the more energy I could feel building up, it all made sense now I was created to kill Lucifer that's my purpose. Chase and Micheal are here to help me but I'm the one who is supposed to end his life, I'm the only one who can.

As I approached Lucifer I locked onto his eyes, once I did I felt his soul, it was as if I was tameimg his soul but I wasn't.

I saw everything, and felt everything.. I saw things that didn't really make sense to me I saw him in heaven and when he was kicked out of heaven and resided in hell, I saw what heaven looked like..

It all happened at once like a flip book..

All those innocent souls..

I had lucifer's soul in the palm of my hands, once I had him completely I destroyed him, I don't know how I did it, I just had a thought of destroying his soul and that's what happened. As soon as that happened millions and millions of souls came rushing out.

I smiled and noticed how everything was becoming blurry..

And fell out.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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