Chapter 30

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Me and Micheal were back on the earth realm, I felt electrified, brand new, it was almost as if something inside of me had woken up, everything felt..


I could sense Micheals energy and everything as if I was in his body..and realizing it something in him had woken up too.

I felt brand new but drained at the same time, it was a weird feeling, "I'm surprised your not exhausted Inphy" I looked up saw Chase, Micheal was sitting next to me hugging me, he,s been like that ever sense we did the spirit bonding.

And it didn't bother me at all, at the same time I wanted him to be near me, it feels almost as if he has to be because if he isn't then I get really sad and start to feel sick.. I realized it this morning when I went to go take a shower..I was only in the shower for 5 minutes but for some reason i felt sad and nausea and I couldn't figure out why, then I saw Micheal and   Ever sense then I've been feeling better..a lot better.

I guess since now everything about us is connected to the core now we have to be near each other.

"I'm ok Chase soon as I came back from that realm I fell straight asleep so I'm ok"

I blushed "and I'm ready to spirit bond with you whenever you are" as soon as I said that his face beamed red and he looked down,

"Inphy I know you say your fine should just relax before you use a lot of your energy again"  I blushed slightly and stood up, when I stood up Micheal had his arms wrapped around my waist, it made my heart flutter.

Everything about these boys made my heart feel like I was on a love potion.

Micheal pulled me down and my I was sitting on his lap,

My face turned red, "dude your really starting to piss me off" Micheal teleported and when he did I was on his back and he was standing up in Chase's face,

His eyes turned red, " Look you,ll understand why I'm like this when you spirit bond with her, but for now I do not want you touching her!"

I saw Micheal's energy flowing from his body, this wasn't good, Chase went closer into his face

"Do something about it you little bitch, far as I'm concerned I was her protector first I'm the one who is really meant for her! Our fate was,re  just another lending hand.."

"You,re irrelevant!!"

Micheal's energy became thicker, Micheal grabbed Chase by the neck and everything was just going out of control..

I had to do something.

"STOP IT!!" The minute I screamed Micheal's energy sucked right back into him, and Chase fell to the ground.

The spirit bonding made Micheal extremely strong.. And it all came natural to him just like we all thought, the answer was to spirit bond.

As I started to think about that I realized how close we were to fighting the devil..the thought sent shock throughout my body, so many questions were flooding my mind but the main one was..

Can we actually kill him? Were we going to be strong enough to actually kill him?

Even if we weren't we needed to be, because if we don't what grams said will happen,

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