Chapter 3

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I woke up confused, with a mild headache.

I was in the nurses office.

Last thing I remember was Chase. From then on he was on my mind but i didn't know why, all I could think about was him. I felt like i 𝐡𝐚𝐝 to talk to him. I 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 to know where he was.

I just had an uncomfortable urge.

Even though I didn't really know anything about him.

Then i started getting hit with flashbacks of everything before I passed out.

These feelings..

I have many thoughts full of confusion and questions.

Why did I feel like that? What was that? and how come earlier when I saw him i didn't react the same way? Was it because he looked back at me directly into my eyes?

I don't know..

I don't fucking know but i have to find out.

I got up to look for the nurse but couldn't find her.
I turned around and saw Chase.
He walked over to the hand sanitizer and squirted some on his hand. Didn't look at me once, but why?

Why wasn't he looking at me he was able to before.
As he went to leave i stood in front of the door.

he sounded angry but I didn't care.

"I-i wanna to talk to you" why was I suttering? Why did he make me so nervous?

"Trust me no you don't."

I didn't understand, why wouldn't i want to talk to him? Did he see me collapse earlier is that why he's trying to leave and not look at me?

Even though i didn't have anything important to say i just had to talk to him.

I 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 to i had to..

"I said to fucking move"

why was he so angry?
I stood there determined to stay, even though I was really nervous.

"I j-just wanted to talk."

For some reason i really wanted to talk to him.
I couldnt shake him off my mind.
Even while he was standing in front of me.

"Do you know were the nurse went?"
Chase was looking down at the ground, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Does it look like i know where she fucking is?"

"I jus-" he cut me off.

I wish i knew what i did to make him so mad.

"I said to fucking move!"

His voice boomed as he started to speed walk towards me but he quickly stopped.
He looked as if he couldn't move, as if he was restraining himself.

It was as if he wanted to move but for a second his body wouldn't let him.

I moved away from the door and he ran out as if he was dying staying in the same room with me, almost as if it was tortuous.

And seeing pain on his face, seeing him look like that for some reason really go to me.

It made me almost want to cry.

I felt terrible but i didn't understand why.
Why was i becoming so attached to someone i didn't even know?

And of all people why was it him?

He is clearly an asshole, but yet when i see him i just want to be in his arms, and to talk to him..

To see him smile and to make him happy.

School was over and the hallways were packed. The loud noises and people talking didn't help my headache at all.

I was excited to go home because the thought of sleep seemed like heaven.
If I was even able to sleep.

Chase has been on my mind all day.


It's almost hard to think and focus on other things.
I can manage to but its hard.
Because every time i do i either instantly think about him again or the thought slips away like butter.
I was surprised i was even able to think about getting sleep.

I walked pass my locker almost forgetting to get my stuff.

"Got damnit Chase"
I said to myself.

How am I suppose to even be able to do the ordinary things I usually do with fucking Chase Kooper on my mind?
I got my stuff and sped walked through the old hallways.

I was in such a hurry to leave.
My headache was getting worse from all the noise.

I walked outside and the first person I saw out of everyone else was Chase.

My eyes locked on him. I ran over to him as fast as I could.
But by the time i got over there, he was already driving away.

Curse my little legs.

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