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I wake up in Taylors lap. I get off and walk downstairs. My butt is still so sore!

"Hi Em" Cameron says to me.
I roll my eyes at him. He comes up behind me and grabs my arm. "Answer me!" He yells at me. " Leave me alone Cameron." I tell him annoyed. Yes I'm still mad at him for yesterday.

Madison comes downstairs. "Emma let's have a girls day out. Go get ready!" She says to me.

I run upstairs and I get changed. I get jean shorts on and a teal tank top on. I run downstairs and i see madison all ready. "Ready to go babe?" She asks me. I nod.

We walk out to the car. I sit in the passenger seat obviously and she drives. "Mall?" She asks. I nod my head. I get a call from my dad.

E-Hi daddy!

S- Hi baby! I miss you so much!

E-I miss you to!

S-Whats going on with you today?

E- Madison and I are headed over to the mall right now.

S- Ohhhh Fun fun.

D-Hi Emma!!!

E-Hi Derek!

S- Call me when you get done shopping okay baby?

E-Yep. Love you daddy!

S-love you too babe. Bye

He hangs up and we get to the mall.

Madison says she need to go to the bathroom so she leaves. A bunch of girls come up to me and start pushing me around. "Stay away from the boys. Got it slut!?" "No! Their family!" I sass. Bad idea. She punches me so hard in my jaw. "I fucking said stay away slut. Your just a bitch and no one wants you here! Got it?" Madison comes over and the girls get nice. "Okay, see you at school Emma! Bye!" They say. I roll my eyes suddenly feeling sick.

"Can we go home? Please?" I ask sortta beg her. She nods. "Are you okay Em?" She asks. I nod. once we get home i run upstairs and cry. I can barley talk! My jaw hurts to move it!

I fall asleep.

"Emma! Come on wake up! School today!" Cameron tells me. \

I brush my hair and teeth and i go downstiars

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I brush my hair and teeth and i go downstiars. Of course i put make up on my face because of my jaw. Today will be hell at school.

I get in the car and i sit in the passenger seat with cameron driving. "Bye Em! Dont get into trouble!" He says. I nod.

I walk into school and i get a text from Cam

C-We will talk about your jaw latter.


C-You didnt hide it very well.


I walk to my locker and girls come up to me and start talking shit. "STOP!" I scream. Once again bad idea. They start punching kicking and hitting me. They finally stop and i walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see blood running down my face and my black eye and jaw. I call my dad

D- Why are you calling me in school.

I am crying right now

E- Daddy? -I say sobbing

D- Honey whats wrong!? What happened?

E- I hate life

D- Emma! What happened?

E- ...

D- EMMA!!! PLEASE!!! -He transfers me to video calling

D- Oh my god! Who the fuck did this to you?

E- Girls

D- Emma! Oh my god. I want you to call someone and get the fuck out of that school! Now!

E- Daddy!

I say sobbing

D- Yes baby?

E- I love you

D- Emma! I love you so much! But im going to hang up so you can call someone to get you! Okay? Call me latter baby!

I nod. He hangs up. Theres blood dripping from my busted lip, eye brow, and cheek. My eye and jaw are bruised. Not to mention my stomach.

I call Kian.


E- Come to the school.

K- Why?

I start sobbing

E-I need you!

K- hold tight

I walk out of the bathroom and i go to the main office. "My Dads friend is coming to pick me up" I say to the lady. "Umm no go back to class" She says not looking at me. "Look at me. Im not going back" She looks at me and screams. People rush out of their offices and see me. They freeze. I walk out and go wait for Kian. Well. Limp. I see him pull up. I slowly walk to his car. "Holy shit Em! What happened to you!?!?" He says.

"Got beat up. Can we go now?" I say with tears running down my face. We get to the house and we both walk in. All eyes on us. Everyone freezes and looks. "Holy fucking shit! Emma!" Cameron runs to me. "I want my daddy" I say quietly sobbing. He nods. Johnson makes a phone call. "Em good news. They have a show here and will be here for a few days. But then they will have to go away again. Hes on his way to the house now" He says. I nod. Theirs a knock on the door and im sitting on the counter and cam is cleaning my face up. "Em! Tell me what happened!" Dad says. I nod and begin. "Well-"

Sammy Wilks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now