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Cassandra 'Cassie' Hastings; 16 years old with the perfect life. Both parents, rich, living in one of the most expensive houses in the UK. A big sister, what more would she ask for? Nothing right? Wrong. She might be rich and her life looks perfect but never in her wildest dreams will it be perfect. With growing up in her older sister's [Rachel] shadow Cassie has done everything she can to not be like Rachel, I guess you would say she was a rebel with a cause. 

Harry Styles; 19 years old with a huge step in his life on the way: He's getting married. She's the perfect girl, beautiful, intelligent and everything else. He wouldn't even think about changing a thing right? For the most part but what happens when a change- rather accidental becomes a large dilemma in everyone's life around them?

Rina Young; 16 years old. Best friends with Cassie. Growing up in a broken home with a drug addict of a mom. Her dad being all the way in New York making great money as a celebrity lawer. Rina has a few problems herself- her dad wanting her to follow in his footsteps. Yet another rebel with a cause. 


"Are you ready?" Rina whispered into the receiver as I climbed out of the window of the large brick home I lived in a slid down the vines of the shrubbery to the grass. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," I smiled, pulling down my black mini dress to the middle of my thigh. 

When I got in her car she was already grinning from ear to ear. "Look what I got us." She said, handing me a small card. When I looked at it- it was me just not the same name or age. 

"Fake ID's?" I exclaimed, a smirk grossing my illuminated face. She let out an airy laugh and put her car in neutral- lightly pressing the gas and slowly going up the street and turning out of my development. Rolling to the white line at the intersection of the main road and the entrance of my community. When the light went from red to green Rina had no problem with putting the car in drive and stomping on the gas pedal like she was killing a  bug the car sped off; my hair blowing in the warm summer-night breeze. 

"Put your damn shoes on, you can't go clubbing barefoot." Rina smartly told me while we pulling into the run down parking lot of the club in central London, a short 30 minutes from my house. 

"Yes ma'm!" I said, trying to do my best southern accent whilst buckling the small silver buckle on my red strappy pumps. 

We both got out of the car, ID's in hand and padded up the sidewalk and into the club. The bass thumped all through my body, from my head all the way back down to the floor boards of the club. I could feel my heart rate increase as I saw all the intoxicated people laugh, dance, grind and have what looked like the best Friday night of their lives and just to get up Saturday and repeat it again. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink! Oh and stop standing around looking at people like you're at a zoo!" Rina told me and laughed- in her best southern accent. I laughed too, making my way to the dance floor when I heard the 'oooo's' at the beginning of 'We Can't Stop' by Miley Cyrus began. I heard the cat call whistle, I payed no attention it might not have even been directed at me. Oh well. When I got to the middle of the dance floor I started moving my body to the beat of the song, I kept feeling eyes on me but tonight I didn't pay any attention to it, I just kept moving feeling every beat of the song run through my veins. 

A/n: Well hello there! So here's the first chapter and introduction to a new story I'm making. Yes it's short but I'll be adding on soon so I hope you like it!




Anything helps of course. Thank you, ily. Xoxoxo

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