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        I watched intensely as a tall meaty guy announced round one. Rina and the other girl took their stance and circled around each other. Rina smirked before she threw her right glove at the side of her opponent's jaw, the girl nearly fell over. The large crowed in front of me roared and the other half boo-ed, I yelled for Rina and pressed my back against the cold, concrete wall of The Underground. Rina kept getting all these hits in when all of sudden, her opponent started throwing punches left and right; Rina was able to dodge most of them but not all. This went on for what felt like an hour but I'm sure it wasn't that long. 

        Eventually round three came around and Rina was hitting her way more than the other girl was hitting Rina, it was so loud in the room I could barely hear myself think. Rina finally knocked the girl in gray off her feet and she was down for a while. A bell rang, indicating the end of the fight and Rina had won. Most of the people in the room cheered, Zayn ran in the ring, picked Rina up and gave her a kiss while spinning her around. I smiled, leaving the room before anyone important saw me. I walked down the long empty tunnels, winding under the streets of central Lodnon. I heard a husky British accent, angrily yelling at someone. I knew it was Harry but I couldn't make out the other voice. 

"You shouldn't be here. Do you know what would happen if someone saw you with me?!" He yelled. 

"Well I got your attention, didn't I?" A girl answered in a smart-assy voice. I had heard the voice before but at the moment, I could place my finger on it. A few moments passed and I realized who it was. 

Rachel. A voice in my head hissed, I was in so much shock I could fall out in the floor.

I was pulled from my racing thoughts from a loud boom, making me jump.

"God dammit Rachel! How many times do I have to tell you the stuff I do here is dangerous?! What's it gonna take to keep you out of this part of my life?! You can't just worm your way out of problems around here, you deal with it or die; and I'm not so sure you know how to fucking deal with anything!!! You just cry to your parents about everything; and the way you treat your sister is ridiculous!! If I had a damn family, I sure as hell wouldn't treat them like you do. This, the way you've been acting is making me contemplate calling this fucking wedding off! Because you know what? You're a greedy, unappreciative, conniving bitch.

I wanted to scream amen and go in there and high five him because everything he said was exactly right.

Everything was quiet for a minute, like being in the eye of a hurricane that I accidentally walked into.

        Then Rachel spoke, "well you're about to have a fucking family because I'm pregnant." I heard her moving around and her heels clacking against the concrete so, I dove into a musty room filled with boxes of kush.  My phone vibrated in the pocket of my shorts, I looked at the caller ID; it was Harry. I hit the red ignore button, and peeked out of the room. No one was there, I walked back to where I came in and made my way to my car. When I was safely in my car, I redialed Harry. Not really sure why because this is breaking the rule I gave myself about staying away and all that bullshit but that rule was clearly not doing me any good.

He picked up but before he said hello I had already started talking, "to what do I owe this rare privilege of talking to the one and only Harry Styles?"

I could almost hear him smirking on the other end of the phone, he chuckled. "Hello Cassandra Hastings. I realize that it's exactly 1:07 in the morning but, could I earn the privilege of coming to your not so humble home and spending time with you?"

I laughed, "why not?"

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He said and hung up.

I have no idea why I get so gumdrops and rainbows when I talk to him but I'm not gonna lie, I like that side of me. At least it's happy.  

But Rachel is carrying his baby you fucking bimbo. A voice in my head yelled at me, which I realized but maybe he'll tell me tonight. 

        After we got off the phone, I focused on beating him back to my house, I drove like how I would if Rina and I were in some million dollar sports car, racing through the silent streets of London back to Niall's shop. I made it back to my house in ten minutes which gave me five to change into some sweatpants and put a movie in, I chose The Breakfast Club and as soon as I hit play, Harry was knocking on the door. 

        I trudged across our cherry hardwoods and opened our front door to see a smiling Harry, "pleasure to see you Cass." He said, walking in and flopping down on the couch. I closed the door behind him and took a seat beside the green eyed and curly haired boy next to me. He put a muscular arm around me, pulling me closer to him. His large hand on the opposite arm caressed my thigh. 

"Harry," I breathed; scooting away from him. 

"What's wrong?" He questioned, I could see the hurt and bit of anger in his emerald eyes. 

"What are we? Or well- what am I to you?" I asked, if I meant a lot to him, he'll start telling me the truth and the entire truth. 

"I'm not really sure what exactly we are. But I know this, you mean a lot to me and I don't even feel this way about your sister. I don't necessarily call it love but it's more than just your normal crush on someone. Like I told you that day you were at my house, I think I'm falling for you." 

He finished and I stayed quiet. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? So he doesn't love Rachel? But yet she's carrying his child and they're wedding is less than two months away.... 

Harry broke the uneasy silence that surfaced between us, "why do you ask?" 

"Just wondering." I bluntly replied and turned back to the movie. I could feel him staring at me, waiting for me to scoot back into his arms but I kept my distance. His words kept repeating in my head, I was trying to analyze it and break it down but it was like a foreign language. I had no idea what vibe he was trying to send and I had no idea what vibe to send back. 

A/n: Hello lovelies! So I'm sure you're wondering why I told you the next chapter will be up soon and it's been over a month but the reason is that I got grounded and my laptop has been gone for a long time. I'm sorry it's been so long and I already have chapter 19 started so, it'll be up by the end of today or tomorrow. Since I promised a double update! Love you guys so much and thank you for reading! Xoxo 

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