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"Cass can you come get me?" "Cass call me as soon as you get this." "Cass please pick up." 

Cassie please call me!!! 

Read the fifty million texts from Zayn and I listened to every voice mail he left in the past thirty minutes. I got up from the pallet Rina and I made on the pool table in Niall's shop. I grabbed my keys and my phone; I walked out of the shop, passing a sleeping Niall and James. I called Zayn back while I was basically running up the dark streets of London to my car. 

"Cass!" Zayn exclaimed after the third ring.

"Hey, whats wrong??" 

"There was a fight here and the cops are almost here and you know what could happen if they saw me."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I said and hung up, pressing the gas and exiting to the highway. 

I rode quickly down the highway, Teritorrial Pissings by Nirvana blarred from my speakers; I was thinking about what will happen with Melissa. She could tell Rachel, my family, everyone. 

I got off at the exit that read Cambridge University, turning down each side street until I came screeching to a stop in front of the large white house, a lot of people have cleared out since Rina and I left. I walked up the front steps, hearing cop sirens getting closer and closer. 

As soon as I came through the door Zayn ran up to me and I heard someone yelling. it sounded like Harry. I asked Zayn who it was but he didn't say anything, he was basically shoving me out of the door and back to my car. 

"So um, there's a task you and I need to take care of babe." Zayn said while I sped out of the back entrance to the neighborhood of frat houses; to avoid cops. 

"A car task?" I questioned, I could almost hear him smirking in the passenger seat. I giggled, "where to?"

"Bishops Avenue." He said while I hit the gas hard as the stop light went from red to green and we were off. 

"Good choice." I laughed. 


"Okay just park up here." Zayn pointed next to someone's mailbox, I guess to look like I lived there or something.

We got out of the car and walked down to the last house on the road. I spotted a royal blue Lotus in the driveway. Shivers went down my spine, and my hands started tingling. I always get anxious and excited when stealing cars with Rina or in this case Zayn. It was dangerous but so much fun at the same time, it was fast paced and I loved it. 

"it's beautiful." I said, following Zayn up to the window. 

"Yeah, now lets get to it. You know how to drive a stick gear shift right?" 

"Yeah but why do you ask?"

"Because you're driving." He informed me, quickly pick locking the door and opening it for me, then walking to the passenger side of the car. I was surprised but I had no problem with driving either. I bent over, hot wiring the car and it roared to life a few moments later. Rina taught me this past summer, it comes in handy. 

"Good job." Zayn complimented and smirked as I put the car in gear and sped off. I watched the meter pass 90, we turned sharp corners down every back road, my hair blowing from the wind coming through the windows. My adrenaline was pumping even faster as the needle moved up to 100, we were close to the underground. Zayn had already told Niall to open the garage door. I pressed harder on the gas one last time as the underground came into view. We came screeching to a stop as Niall closed the doors behind us. 

"That's a beautiful car, good work you guys." Niall said, circling the car. 

I smiled and walked back to where Rina was still sound asleep, I laid  back down next to her. My heart was still racing, I tried to calm myself but I was too pumped up. I started thinking about Harry and eventually dozed off- what an eventful day. 

A/n: Hello lovelies!! So I've finally updated & it's probably not the best but anyways, as usual feedback would be great; and I wanna thank you guys so much for reading and for voting and for everything else you do. I feel like I don't update like I should but I'm trying you guys, as I've said ten billion times before just bare with me. Chapter sixteen will be up sometime soon. Love you all. (: xoxoxo

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