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        Worst Behavior by Drake blared from the speakers while I sped down the highway back to my house. I had no idea what to think considering Harry isn't even at the beach with my family and how Rina flipped out on me for no reason. I turned the sharp corner onto my street and came all the way to the large brick house, with the same glass window in the front. I sat in front of my house for a little while before deciding to pull in my driveway. I walked in the silent house, went straight to my room and was greeted by an unpleasant surprise. 

"Why are you here and how did you get in?" I questioned.

"You should really make sure your windows are locked." 

"You only answered one of my questions." I said, narrowing my eyes at the boy sitting on my bed with emerald green eyes and chestnut curls. His hair was a huge mess under his American flag bandana, it was hot on him though. 

"I am here to talk to you about your secret run-in with me at The Underground." 

I froze. "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to play it off. 

Harry chuckled and took my hand in his large one. His emerald eyes scanned my tanned body, until he found my eyes. "Babe, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about." 

My heart rate increased and my stomach felt like it fell to my feet. "I was uh, looking for Rina. Niall led me down there." 

Harry's face fell when he heard Niall's name, he looked disgusted when the syllables rolled off my tongue. What if Niall did all this on purpose? 

"You're friends with Niall?" Harry asked, pulling me onto my bed, basically in his lap. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and slid his muscular arms around my waist. 

"Yeah. Why?"

His muscles tensed, but he stayed quiet. 

"So um, I thought you were supposed to be at the beach with my family." 

I could feel Harry smirk against my collarbone, but he didn't say anything. I waited and waited, but he never said anything. He knows something I don't. I brushed it off though, I wasn't into playing games with him at the moment. But trust me, I'll find out. 


A couple hours later, Harry decided it was best for him to leave before it got dark. He had some 'unfinished business ' at The Underground. I giggled, and told him goodbye. He leaned in to kiss me but I remembered how I was supposed to stay away so, I turned my face and he pecked my cheek. He looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows. 

I smirked, "goodbye Harry Styles."

Harry chuckled, his dimples defining his jawline even more; "goodbye Cassandra Hastings."

He turned on the heel of his brown boots and walked down my sidewalk. I watched his lanky frame until he got in his car, he waved bye to me as his car disappeared into the dusk; heading to The Underground to do God knows what; and I was going to find out. 

I went upstairs to grab my phone & keys, checking myself over in the mirror. I still looked like hell, my Arctic Monkeys shirt was wrinkled and one leg of my shorts was hiked up further than the other leg. I fixed myself a little and then left. 

I wasn't speeding down the highway to get to central London like I normally was, I was actually going to speed limit and not breaking any laws, yet; we'll see what happens at The Underground. I went a little faster after I exited central London, turning every corner sharply. I pulled down the narrow one-way street where Rina and I always parked, someone had took my parking place and I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little pissed about it. 

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath and turned around, looking for another place within walking distance of Niall's shop. After riding around for twenty minutes, I found a place three streets over. I pulled over to the side, and I swear I saw my mom and dad walking down the street.; but I know that couldn't be. I'm probably just going crazy. 

I walked to The Underground but I didn't go in at Niall's shop, just in case he had an idea why I was there. I walked around to the back of another building that led to The Underground and slid in through an open window. I walked down a long cement tunnel, where the subways used to run. I was at the end where everyone bought, sold and traded drugs. There were towers of boxes filled with weed, cocaine, heroine, molly, every type of drug you could think of; smuggled from all over the world. I walked past all the guys, some mumbling things under their breath at me but I kept walking. 

I finally made it to the branch where fights happen and where they train, I could hear people yelling and I already knew a fight was happening. I walked in from the back, I had a clear view of the ring. The fight was between two girls, one was in all gray. The other had a black robe on and hot pink boxing gloves, Rina. My mouth dropped open when I saw her face, her long hair was tied up in a ponytail and she was receiving a pep talk from Zayn. He pecked her on the cheek and walked to the front row, the bell rang and the fight was about to start. My muscles tensed and I kept all my focus on Rina, wondering what was bound to happen next. Kick some ass Rina. 

A/n: Hey guys!! So, I've finally finished chapter 17 & I hope you enjoy. Thank you guys so much for baring with me & reading this far into the story, I appreciate all of your support. As always, feedback would be great. I'm probably gonna do a double update next so, they'll be up soon! Love you all. xoxo 

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