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 "Okay let me get this straight, you met this really sexy guy, you flirted/talked, danced and then you hooked up with him in the bathroom?" Rina asked me whilst she turned the key in the ignition and the car roared to life. 

"Yep. But I only did it because he wasn't like any other guy I mean I don't know what it is but I just had to." I explained to Rina. I wasn't just saying this to cover my ass either, I was serious. There was something about him just so mysterious, so different, so appealing. 

She laughed her airy, Chanel West Coast- like laugh and punched the gas pedal. "I'm proud of you. Usually this is me explaining why I hooked up with a guy I hadn't known for an hour." 

"Well, I knew him for an hour and thirty minutes before I hooked up." I said, laughing and rolling my window down whilst Rina sped off. 


I woke up the next morning in my attire from last night with a distinct smell of alcohol and Harry's cologne. Forcing myself out of bed, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and followed with the rest of my morning routine. 

I few minutes later my mom knocked on my door and came in. "Oh good you're already getting dressed sweetheart. I was going to tell you last night but I didn't get the chance but your sister is coming to town with her fiance and we're all going to dinner." She said and then exited my room, leaving the door wide open and letting the cold air circulate my room. Sending shivers down my spine and every other part of my wet body. 

I really wasn't in the mood for my sister to be in town but what can you do? At least it won't just be my sister but there's still the eerie anxiousness of who she was bringing to town with her this time. 

I finally decided to stop being a recluse and leave my room, my hair was in a ballerina bun, a cream colored lace dress and my gold strappy sandals. - an outfit my mom made me wear of course. She picked out my outfits as if I was a two year old that wanted to wear my best dress with marker marks on it my my rain boots everyday. 

The doorbell rang as I was descending the stairs, my mom and everyone else rushing to the door to greet my sister and this mystery guy. Only making me dread this even more and I don't even know how long she's gonna stay.  I braced myself whilst my hand gripped our cold doorknob. When I opened the door, Rachel looked the same. Still blonde, still a fake smile and gives hugs that could squeeze the life out of you. 

"I've missed my family so much!" She exclaimed, throwing her skinny arms around all three of us. 

"We've missed you too love." My mother cooed with a warm smiled on her face. 

"Oh and where are my manners? Everyone, this is my fiance. Harry." Rachel said, stepping out of the way. My eyes widened at the curly haired boy that I had hooked up with just the night before.

To be continued. 

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