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Rina slowed down in front of my house at about 5:30.

"I'll call you later, thanks." She stated, not even thinking about making eye contact with me, typical her on nights like these. Then she'll go home, drink, smoke and pass out. 

"no problem." I mumbled and got out of her small car, trudging through the wet grass and back around to the vine of shrubbery next to my window. I pulled my pants up and fiddled with my bag until I was situated, then I hoisted myself up the vine like I've done many other nights before. 

When I got in my room, my desk drawer was wide open, somebody's been snooping. I looked through the drawer to see if anything had been taken, my blunts were gone but that was it, I pray to God my parents didn't find these and they now know of my mischievous actions. 

"Looking for something?" Someone asked, I would think it was Harry but as soon as I heard the high-pitched accent I knew it was Rachel. I spun around on the heels of my combat boots to see her standing there in my doorway- my blunts in her hand. She had that same grin on her face the night she ratted on me when I got arrested-underage drinking; I obviously didn't learn my lesson because I still commit this transgression. 

"Why were you snooping?" I asked, whilst she stepped in my room, shutting the door behind her so the chilling air conditioning doesn't circulate my room and make it any colder than it is. 

"I saw your name in Harry's call long, the way you act when he's around, the way he gets uncomfortable when you're in our presence, and the secret phone calls. You want Harry." She said, crossing my room and inviting herself onto my bed. I sat across the room in my desk chair, wondering why the hell I would want Harry. Unfortunately, I could answer this question but I wonder what made her ponder this idea for even one second. 

"You're still not answering my question..." I trailed off, waiting for her to say something else but she didn't. 

She sat there for a moment, a blank stare on her face but I saw the fire come back in her eyes and she spoke; "you've always been jealous of what I have haven't you? It just eats you up so much that I've gone farther in life than you will ever go so you feel like you have to try and sabotage everything in my life!" She whisper-yelled.

Who does she think she is? Why would she even think about contemplating this idea that I'm jealous?

I questioned in my head, I wanted to get up and slap her. I wanted to scream. I wanted to runaway. I can legitimately say that I hate my sister. 

I finally decided to make eye contact with her, when I looked at her, she was smirking as if she just won this battle. It hasn't even started yet. I cut a glare, if looks could kill; she would be dead. 

"Believe what you want Rachel, but none of those things are true. It's ludicrous that you would ponder these things. I would never want to be like you, all you are is a selfish, conniving, repulsive bitch and I hate you. I always have, not out of jealousy but I've just never liked you. You are so ungrateful, everyone busted their ass to make sure you were satisfied. When you needed something, everyone would stop what they were doing and give it to you. Your entire life, you've had things handed to you and what did I have to do for the things I got? I worked for them and I still never got half the things I wanted or needed. So next time you wanna talk about how I'm so jealous and you've gone farther than me, think about the things you have actually worked for." I looked her in the eye once more and she looked like I had just raised my hand and slapped her in the face. 

"I absolutely hate you and we all know why you're so spiteful; because you know you're unwanted." She taunted then she stood up and exited my room, leaving the door wide open. The house was silent, like the events that just occurred never took place. 

A small tear rolled down my face, when I wiped it, my hands felt like icicles against my rosy cheeks. Her opinion doesn't matter. One voice told me in my head; she's right you know. No one cares about you, you're just a pest. Another voice argued but usually I wouldn't pay attention to this; however tonight, I couldn't stay at home. 

Before I did anything, I changed into some gray sweatpants, a black tee shirt, my Ramones hoodie and my red,black and grey Jordans. I got my keys off the hutch and trudged down the steps of my hushed home. 


I pulled out of my driveway and took the back-way out of my development, down all these two lane roads, music turned as loud as I could turn it up, windows down and nippy wind blowing in my hair. I could feel summer turning into autumn- my favourite season. 

More tears brimmed my eyes and the warm liquid fell down my cold cheeks. Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan was blaring through my speakers whilst I merged onto the highway. A sign read Holmes Chapel: 4 miles. I got off on the correct exit, taking a right at the stoplight when the green arrow came into view. I rode along the countryside, taking in the quiet, sleepy town while my music probably could be heard all the way back to Yorkshire. 

I pressed the gas pedal more, I watched the needle go past 80 and then creep along until I hit 90; just like I did earlier. The music only got louder as I broke down even more, I hated to cry. Not because I think it makes me seem weak but because I don't wanna feel like this all the time. I go along thinking everything is all right but it really isn't, its never going to be okay. I'm just a fuck up. 

Both continued and to be continued. Alas, a contradiction! 

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