On the way to Kentucky

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“Chantel. Chantel wake up!” Jade towers over me whilst Chloe shakes me awake. This morning Chloe is taking me and Jade to LAX. I get up and change into denim shorts, white tank top and finish off with some converse. Before being dragged to the car I manage to have a slice of toast. “Remind me again why we have a flight this early?” I yawn as I look out the window. “Because we don’t want you getting recognised, and if you do, it will only be a small group of people.”

And how right was Jade. We made it through the entrance with only one person bothering us. Since we had 2 hours to kill, I decided to watch my favourite youtubers. Just because I’m famous doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to do normal stuff! I’m half way through a Marcus Butler video when I hear a loud squeal through my headphones. I look at Jade, who is just as confused as I am. I pull my headphones out and I hear it again. I turn to the direction it comes from, and there stands two teenage girls having a photo taken with somebody. I try to see who it is, but their excitement makes it impossible.

Soon enough they leave, and standing there is two men. They both look like they’re in their 20’s, maybe brothers. They are both good looking, but there’s one of them that I just can’t keep my eyes off. He has brown hair, and is wearing a red cap and sunglasses.

“Chantel!” Jade snaps her fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. “What?!” I ask annoyed. “We have to get on our flight.” We sit in first class, and that’s when I see him, the guy from earlier. He looks for his seat, and smiles wide when he looks at the one next to mine. Well this is my lucky day. I have a hot guy sitting right next to me for more than an hour! I think to myself. Jade, who is sitting opposite me just shakes her head.

“Hi I’m Connor, nice to meet you” I have no idea who he is, but soon recognise him as the hot guy’s brother. He is sitting next to Jade holding his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. “I’m Chantel, nice to meet you too. This is my cousin Jade.” I point to Jade and they shake hands. “I know who you both are, the movie and soundtrack were great by the way” he suddenly says. “How did you get to watch the movie, its not in cinemas yet?” I ask puzzled. “My brother’s great friends with Sam Claflin, and he invited us to the premiere” he replies. It’s only then that I realise who I’m talking to. Connor Hutcherson. Then that means…

The thrills of being famous (Josh Hutcherson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now