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AUTHORS NOTE: listen to this ain’t goodbye by train. I put it at the side. Might be a good song for the end.

The next few days are hectic! I’ve had to do press stuff for the movie. Luckily Sam’s here so at least I’ve had some sort of fun. But I haven’t been able to see Josh, not because of Sophie, just simply because I’ve been too busy. Believe me Sophie’s the last thing that would stop me from seeing him!

I tell Sam about how crazy she is, and all he does is agree. “You think that’s crazy! When Josh went to let Driver outside she had a go at me for kissing him in Catching Fire. She said if I try a stunt like that again she will kill me” he says shocked. “I don’t know why he’s with her, I mean, why?” I ask as I drink my coke. “Only Josh knows the answer to that my friend” he replies.

We finish early today, so I call Tyler to see if he’s doing anything. “Hey girlfriend what’s up?” he asks. “Hey I was wondering if you were doing anything I’m so bored” I sigh into the phone. “No come right over, I’ll text you my address.” With that I get in my car and head over to Tyler Oakley’s place. Wow I can’t believe I just said that sentence. I arrive and knock on his door. “IT’S OPEN!!!” he yells. I walk in and see that he is making a video with Marcus. “Hey Chantel! Guys this is Chantel” he says to the camera. I sit in between them and wave. “Hi guys!” is all I say. “We met Chantel at vidcon, and now we’re like each others bitches” Marcus does an impression of Tyler.

They end the video, and I spill all my problems to them. They occasionally nod here and there, and look shocked when I tell them about ‘the bitch’.  

“Well this calls for one thing, MOVIE!!!!!!!!” Tyler yells. Me and Marcus laugh and choose a movie while Tyler gets the popcorn. We pick one direction’s this is us. I can still remember when Marcus went to the premiere of this with gold shoes on! By the end of the movie I go home.

When I get there I see Josh’s motorbike on my driveway. I walk to my door to see him sitting on the step. “Josh what are you doing?” I laugh and go inside with Josh not far behind.

“I uh… I need to talk to you” he says nervously. He brushes his hand through his hair and sits on the sofa. “Ok. What do you need to tell me?” I have a bad feeling. He doesn’t want to have this conversation, I can tell. “Josh?”

“It’s Sophie. She’s um…” At this point a million things are going through my head. Pregnant? Please don’t say that word. “She’s making me choose between two people.” I release my breath, thanking god that he didn’t say pregnant. But it soon dawns on me the two people he’s talking about.

My eyes start to get all teary. “Please don’t say you chose her over me” I plead to him, when he doesn’t answer I scream “Josh! Don’t just sit there talk to me!” He takes a deep breath, “I can’t see you anymore Chantel. I’m sorry. I love Sophie, and she doesn’t want me seeing you anymore. I don’t know why but if I still want to be with her then…” he trails off, tears freefalling down his cheeks. “I never knew it would come to this.”

It feels like my heart has been ripped to pieces. I don’t know what to say. I let my tears fall. We don’t say anything; we just look at each other. I stand up and wipe my tears away. “I’m sorry too Josh. I’m sorry for thinking our friendship was more important than some girl. But let me tell you one thing. If she loves you as much as she says she does, she wouldn’t have made you do this” I say bitterly.

I walk over to my door and open it, waiting for him to walk out. I have nothing else to say to him. He goes to hug me but I just push him away. “Just go.” He walks to his bike and gives one last look before driving off. I drop to the floor and curl up into a ball. I just lay there crying. I can feel Sophie’s ton of bricks pressing on me, suffocating me.

This ain’t goodbye, our friendship won’t let this happen. I won’t let this happen.

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