after the party

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As soon as I wake up I get the urge that I need to throw up. I try to move, but something’s stopping me. I look at the arms around my waste, and turn my head to see Josh peacefully sleeping. I don’t want to wake him, but if I don’t I’m going be sick all over my dress. “Josh” I shake him but he stays asleep. “Josh” I say a little louder, but he only tightens his grip on me. “JOSH!” I yell. Suddenly he’s awake. “What? What’s going on?” He lets go of me and I sprint to the bathroom in my room. Soon enough I’m throwing up, wishing it would end. Josh walks in and holds my hair for me and rubs my back. When I do finish he passes me the mouthwash. “Thanks” I say. My head hurts so much. I knew that vodka was a mistake. “I’m going to have a shower. Can you undo the zip at the back for me?” I ask referring to my dress. He nods and slowly unzips it. “I’ll um… I’ll leave you to it” he says and walks into my bedroom. I close the door and turn the shower on. I let the water cascade down my body, it gently massaging my head. My headache eases a bit, but it hurts to think too much. I wash my hair and get out, wrapping a towel around me. I also wrap one around my head.

I walk into my bedroom, and Josh is looking through my photo album. “This is a nice photo.” He points to a photo of me and my sister when she was three months old. “Yeah, that’s my sister Emilie. She’s not that small anymore” I laugh. “How old is she now?” he asks. “10. I’m going to visit her back home soon. A late birthday celebration for me I guess.” I smile thinking about how I’ll get to see her. “Josh... can you… um” he looks at me confused and then gets what I’m trying to say. “Sure. I’ll leave you to get dressed. I need to go home anyway. I’ll see you later maybe?” “Yeah, I mean vidcon is tomorrow so you should start packing. Our flight leaves today.” I suggest. He hugs me goodbye and shuts my door.

I get changed into white shorts and a blue tank top. Everything else I pack. Our flight leaves at 5pm and we have to be at the airport 2 hours before. I look at the clock that reads 11am, so I have plenty of time to kill.

I walk downstairs and see that my cousins are waiting for me, their suitcases at hand. “Are you leaving?” I ask. “Yeah, but we wanted to say goodbye first.” Everyone says goodbye. Most of them are going back to the UK, except for Curtis, Daniel and Jade. They live in LA. Daniel is the last to say goodbye. I pick him up and he starts crying. “I’m going to miss you Chantel” he says between sobs. “I’ll miss you too. When I get back from visiting my dad and Emilie you and I can have a sleepover.” This puts a smile on his face. “I love you” I give him a huge kiss on the cheek and strap him in the car. “I love you too” he says before I shut the door. I wave goodbye to the two cars.

After breakfast Chloe comes to the house with her suitcase. “Oh my god I can’t believe I’m going vidcon!” she squeals. We have been waiting to do this for years, but we’ve either been too busy or ill. “I know neither can I!”

3pm comes by and Connor drops me, Chloe and Josh to the airport. We go through security and sit around for a while. Me and Chloe keep laughing at Josh’s photo on his passport. We don’t know why, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just funny I guess. Our flight is being called, and we sit comfortably in first class. Chloe sits opposite me and I sit next to Josh.


Once we land in LAX, we get our luggage and go to our houses. I call Sam to see if he made it back to his house ok (he left Kentucky this morning). He asks if I’m ok, with my hangover and all, which seems to have disappeared YAY!!! I get in my car and pick up Chloe. She is wearing her llama hat, the same one Dan Howell has. We go over to Josh’s, and pull up to some gates. Yep, this must be Josh’s house I think. I wonder how many fangirls have tried to climb this gate. I press the buzzer and pull a funny face at the camera. “Nice face” Josh laughs. The gates open and I go up the long drive way.

Because we’re on a tight schedule, he gets in and we go straight away. “Vidcon here we come!” Chloe shouts.

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