We've arrived!!!!!!

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“Oh” is all that I can say. Suddenly I feel a presents to my right. I turn to find Josh Hutcherson sitting next to me. Well… I did say a HOT guy did I not? “H-Hi” I let out a shaky breath, and link my hand with his, shaking it. He takes off his sunglasses and says “Hi Chantel. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I’m gonna kill Sam when I see him!!! I think. “What did Sam say now?” I laugh. “He told me that if I ever met you, I should run away as fast as I can because you’re crazy” He’s laughing too.

Connor and Jade are in their own conversation. I look down and that’s when I realise me and Josh are still holding hands. He must have noticed too because he quickly lets go. Just as he lets go he sees my tattoo on my left wrist. “Virgo” he says pointing to my wrist. “Yeah” I reply, “I sort of stole your idea. I wanted something about me, something that wont change in my life and well, my star signs not gonna change.” He nods and asks “So how many do you have?” “Just the one. I want one on my lower back but I don’t know what to get” I shrug “What about you? Last time I checked you had three, and that was years ago.” He shows me all his tattoos; this gives me the chance to see that wonderful body of his.

We sit in comfortable silence until Connor speaks up. “So you’re British. What made you move to LA?” I think about home and why I moved here. “It’s better here. I mean home was good, but LA always seemed like the place where my dreams would become true. I miss the rain sometimes though” I sigh, and Jade starts to laugh. “What about family back home? Don’t you miss them?” “Of course! We have a big family back home, but my mum moved out to Kentucky so I see her when I can.” This makes Josh smile. That half smile all the girls cry over.

I’m so tired; I can’t even talk much anymore. My head falls softly to Josh’s shoulder, but I’m too tired to move it. It mustn’t bother him, because he rests his head on my head. I soon fall into a deep sleep.


“Chantel. Chantel wake up.” Ugh why does everyone have to wake me up all the time? “Mmmm?” I open my eyes and see everyone starting to get off the plane. Josh kneels infront of me. He must have woke up minutes before me because he has a groggy voice. “Sorry, I would have woke you up earlier but you looked too peaceful” He says. My cheeks turn a bright red; all I can hope is that he didn’t see. “Don’t be embarrassed, come on.” He helps me up and we catch up with Jade and Connor who already have our stuff.

“Well I guess this is where we say goodbye” I say. “Yeah. Maybe we’ll see you around” Josh says. No one knows what else to say. “Hey, why don’t we swap numbers and we can meet up again? I mean if you’re not busy.” Josh scratches the back of his neck. “Sure” We exchange numbers and head out after saying our goodbyes.

I see my mum waiting in her car, and my legs start running without my command. She sees me and gets out, ready to catch me. I hug her like there’s no tomorrow. “I’ve missed you so much” she whispers into my hair. “We’ve missed you too” Jade says who has now joined the hug. We get into the car, ready to start our time in Kentucky.

AUTHORS NOTE: sorry its so short

The thrills of being famous (Josh Hutcherson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now