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We finally arrive at vidcon, but no ones here. “Did we miss it?” the hope that we didn’t evident in my voice. Me and Chloe look at Josh who just sits there smiling. “That’s the part I didn’t tell you about. I told them to stay afterwards so we wouldn’t have to wait to see them, and we wouldn’t have the hassle of our fans coming up to us.” He had this all planned out well.

We get out and follow some arrows that lead to a door. I knock it and Caspar Lee stands there smiling. “Hi you must be Chantel and Chloe. We already know Josh. I’m-“ “Caspar Lee!” I squeal. He gives us all a hug, a bro hug for Josh obviously. Everyone is introduced to one another, and Chloe goes off and talks to Dan and Phil. Josh talks to Tyler Oakley, so I decide to talk to Marcus.

“Hi Marcus.” He smiles when he sees me. “Oh hey Chantel. You know you are exactly how Josh described you. He is a lucky man.” I laugh and quickly respond “Oh no! No Josh and I aren’t together. We’re just good friends that’s all.” Marcus looks embarrassed and apologises. We talk about his videos and his day. At the end of the day I get everyone’s numbers, and a group photo to put in the signed frame.

“Did you enjoy that Chloe?” Ever since we got in the car she hasn’t stopped smiling. “What? Yeah it was fantastic. Thanks Josh” “No problem. You were getting along with Dan pretty well” he wiggles his eyebrows. “Yeah Chloe? What happened?” I want to know the gossip. She loves Dan. Always has. “He gave me his number” she jumps up and down, me and Josh laugh at how giddy she’s got.

I pull up outside Chloe’s house and say goodbye. She runs into the house, probably about to call Dan. “You made her day” I look at Josh. “I know. The important part is did you enjoy it?” he asks. “Yeah I did, thankyou.” We get to his house and I’m about to leave when he says “do you want a tour?” referring to his house. I nod and get out my car.

As soon as we enter his house his dog comes running towards us. I bend down and stroke him. “You’re a lovely dog, yes you are. Yes you are!” I say in a baby voice. “Driver leave Chantel alone” Josh huffs. “Aww I think somebody’s jealous!” I stand up and laugh at Josh.

He shows me his house, which I could easily get lost in. The garden is amazing, perfect for Driver to run around. “I wish I had this house” I exclaim. “So do I” someone says from behind, making us both jump. Avan stands there with Chinese food in his hand. “And who is this lovely girl?” he asks winking at Josh. “This is my BEST FRIEND Chantel. Chantel this is Avan” he says making sure to emphasise the words best friend. “Nice to meet you” I say giving him a hug, “I better get going. I have to pack AGAIN!” I say to Josh. “Where are you going now?” he looks sad. “I’m going to stay with my dad for a week, spend some time with my sister.” He nods in understanding and walks me to my car. “I’ll see you when I get back” I hug him and get in my car, driving off back home.

AUTHORS NOTE: sorry it’s so short, remember to comment, thanks!

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