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AUTHORS NOTE: I put a picture on the side of Taylor Swift’s dress. Also check out Jason Derulo Talk Dirty.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Chantel, happy birthday to you!” Daniel jumps on my bed. He still thinks I’m asleep, so I wait for him to get closer to me. Suddenly I attack by tickling him. He falls on top of me and we both burst out laughing.

“Who put you up to this?” I ask still tickling him. “Josh did” he says through his laughter. “Oh really? Well let’s go down stairs.” I pick him up and walk down stairs and into the living room where everyone is in their pyjamas, even Josh! It looks like Christmas morning, everyone rubbing their eyes. “Did you get everyone up?” I whisper to Daniel. He nods and tells me to open my presents. I get a handbag from Jade, DVD’s and CD’s from Curtis and everyone. My mum got me a nice red dress with matching heels. Daniel got me a hug coupon, which I use straight away. Michelle and Chris gave me some money, and Connor got me some make up. There’s one more present. I look at the label to see that it’s from Josh.

“Josh you already got me a present” I say confused. “Yeah but I saw this and I thought you would like it.” I unwrap the gift to reveal a necklace. It has a silver chain and the charm on it is a diamond. To go with it is a pair of dangly earrings which also have a diamond. “Josh” I whisper. “Here I’ll help you put it on” he takes it out of my hands and I brush my hair to the side of my neck. “Josh this is beautiful” I say once he puts it on. I turn around and give him a long hug. “Thank you.” ”Your welcome. You deserve it.” He gives me a kiss on the head and I pull away. “I’ll never take it off.” Everyone smiles and I swear Jade let a tear slip.

“Right, well I’m going to get changed. Is everyone else?” I stand up and walk Josh to his house; I need to say thanks to Michelle, Chris and Connor. I do so and say goodbye to them and Josh, telling them I’ll see them at my house soon.

Soon enough it’s 7pm and everyone starts to arrive. Well everyone was already here because they were staying, apart from Josh and his Family, Sam and Chloe. Chloe comes straight into my bedroom where jade is curling my hair to the side. “CHLOE!!!” I scream. We hug each other, and she looks at me. “You look stunning Chantel. Are you planning on killing Josh because I think this will do the trick” I laugh and look in the mirror.

I’m wearing the dress and heels mum got me. The dress is long and has a low neckline. It’s a bit like the white dress Taylor Swift wore at the people’s choice awards only in red. The necklace Josh gave me is still on, and I have the earrings in. I use the make up Connor got me, not over doing it, just keeping it natural. “Right let’s do this.”

I walk outside and suddenly everyone’s eyes are on me. Sam whistles and everyone laughs. I give him a hug and he hands me my present. It’s a photo of him and me when we first met. On the frame it says ‘a single moment can spark a lifetime of memories’. “Thanks Sam.” I hug him and put the gift somewhere safe. “So Josh has stolen you away from me huh?” he asks. “Yeah I guess you could say that.” I look over at Josh who is wearing dark jeans and a dress shirt. He notices me looking at him and smiles. He walks over and hugs me.

“You look gorgeous. I think it’s the necklace” I playfully punch him in the arm. “No seriously you look beautiful.” “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself Hutcherson” Sam laughs and leaves us to our conversation. Almost Is Never Enough starts to play. “Want to dance?” he asks me. “Sure.” He takes my hand and leads me under the lights that hang across the garden. He places his hands on my hips, and I place mine around his neck. We start swaying to the song, looking into each others eyes.

When my favourite line comes I sing along. “And we can deny it as much as we want, but in time our feelings will show.” I stop at that and rest my head on Josh’s shoulder. The song ends, we go and get a drink, and sit down on one of the sofas. “You’re a good dancer” I say to Josh. “That was nothing. You should see me break my moves” “Yeah I’ve seen them. I watched a video of you at one of your charity basketball games.” I laugh. “Don’t laugh! I’ve seen you bust some moves too.” I nearly choke on my drink. “How?” I ask. “Your mum shown me the DVD of when you did a dance show” he laughs. “Hey don’t laugh!” I mimic him.

Jason Derulo’s Talk Dirty feat 2 Chainz comes on, and me and Chloe exchange a look. A couple of years back the Janoskians did a dance to it, and me and Chloe used it and made our own moves not so long ago. “I’ll show you my new moves Hutcherson.” I grab Chloe and we dance like idiots. It’s hard to dance in a long dress, but I still managed it. Half way through it I yell “I’m not even drunk yet!” and everyone laughs. By the end of the song I need another drink. I start to walk back over to Josh with my vodka in hand. Sam is also sitting there.

By the time I get there I’ve necked down half the vodka and I squeeze in between them both. “Wow slow down tiger!” Sam says. I laugh and down the rest of it. “Did you like my moves” I slur to Josh. “Yeah, they were better than mine.” This just makes me laugh even harder. “I need another drink, do you want one?” I ask Josh. “Sure, I’ll have a beer.” I grab his beer and I grab myself a shot of tequila. I down that before going back to my seat. What’s the point going back to my seat when I’ll just want another drink in a couple of seconds? I also grab a beer and return to my seat.

By know I’m wasted. I dance a little more until the music is turned off. Mum thinks of the neighbours too much. Everyone has gone to bed or back to the hotels their staying at, apart from Josh who is just watching me dance. I sit with him, listening to each other breathing. He stands and picks me up, which sends me into a fit of laughter. “Shhhh” he whispers, “everyone is in bed so you have to be quiet.” I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. He lays me on my bed and starts to walk to my door. Before he can I grab his arm. “Stay with me?” I ask. “Okay.” He lies down next to me, and we both fall asleep.

The thrills of being famous (Josh Hutcherson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now