the public

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3 months later

Chantel’s POV

No one has started asking questions yet. I’ve been wearing Josh’s shirts so you can’t see my little bump. We walk hand in hand to the doctors for our next scan. “Hi I have an appointment with Dr. Smith” I tell the woman. She tells us to sit down and minutes later Dr. Smith walks towards us. “Hi, you must be Josh.” They shake hands and we go in the room. I lay on the bed and he asks me “Have you had any problems?” “No, just the morning sickness” I reply. He nods his head and puts the gel on my stomach. Josh squeezes my hand and I look at him. He’s been excited all morning, because today we’re finding out the sex of the baby.

I look at the screen and see our little peanut. I look back at Josh who lets a tear out. I squeeze his hand and smile. “Would you like to find out the sex of the baby?” the doctor asks. “Yes!” I reply immediately. He looks a little more. “Congratulations, you are having a little boy.” He prints off another scan and hands it over. He cleans up the gel and leaves us alone for a minute.

“We’re having a boy!” I cry. I hug Josh and see that he can’t stop smiling. “We’re having a boy” he confirms. We make our next appointment and go to leave. Outside is a swarm of paparazzi waiting for us. Great.

“Chantel are you ok?” “What’s going on?” “Do you have anything to tell us?” “Are you pregnant?” All these questions are yelled at us, but we don’t say anything, we just keep smiling. When we get home I call everyone to tell them the news.

I go to find Josh and see him in the nursery. We chose to keep the walls cream, and we have a rocking chair and wardrobe already in here. He sits in the rocking chair talking to the scan. “I’m going to love you so much. I’ll teach you how to play basketball so you can beat Uncle Avan. You’ll be able to do it, he’s crap at it.” I laugh and walk over to sit on his lap. “We can’t wait little man” he says to my belly, “you need to grow fast so we can see you.” He looks at me and smiles. I give him a peck on the lips and rest my head on his shoulder. “I love you Josh.” “I love you too Chantel.”


The next morning I go for a walk with Driver. Josh has gone to hang out with Connor, so I decided that me and Driver will go to Jades. On the way there paparazzi spot me. I speed up, but they keep following me. “That’s a nice bump there Chantel. Are you pregnant?” Shit! I had to wear one of my tops today didn’t I? When I lose them I call Josh. “Hey babe are you ok?” “Yeh I’m fine but I think the paparazzi know. I’m wearing one of my tops and they saw my bump. I’m sorry Josh.” I start crying. “Hey hey, don’t worry. They had to find out sooner or later. Where are you?” “I’m nearly at Jades” I tell him. “Ok. Stay safe and have fun. Don’t worry about it. I love you.” “I love you too. Bye.”

I get to Jades and tell her what happened. She agrees with Josh, I guess my emotions are all over the place. “I have something for you.” she walks to her room and comes out with a big bag. “What’s this?” I ask as she gives me the bag. “When the family found out you were pregnant we got some money together and they told me to go buy loads of stuff.” “Thank you!” I give her a hug and look through the bag. There are shoes to little trousers to gloves and hats. I can’t help but cry.

The rest of the day we go shopping. We thought it would be best to do it now since I’ll be too tired to do it in a couple of months. We look at cots and changing tables. We end up buying a mahogany cot and changing table. We go back to mine and get Connor and Josh to build the stuff.

Once it’s finished they call us in to have a look. “It’s perfect” I say. It feels like everything is finally coming together.

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