A little visit

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AUTHORS NOTE: the most annoying sound thing is on the side

The sun shines through the curtains, waking me up. I rub my eyes and see the ring on my finger. I instantly smile at it. I rub my belly and peanut kicks me. He’s been kicking a lot lately. “Josh” I whisper excitedly. He stirs and opens his eyes. “Morning gorgeous” he says in a raspy voice. I take his hand and press it to my belly. He kicks again. “Did you feel that?” I whisper. “I did. Wow he has a good kick” he laughs. “Yeh he’s excited because daddy’s here. But you’re kinda hurting mummy peanut” I laugh.

We stay in bed all day and watch films. We watch the notebook and build a fort around the bed. Then we decide to watch dumb and dumber. “You wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?” Josh quotes. He pauses and makes it, which sends me into a fit of laughter. I end up hitting one of the cushions out of place and what once was our fort is now on top of us. We both laugh and Josh tries to find me under the endless amounts of blankets. I stop laughing and try to be as quiet as I can. I can’t believe he hasn’t found me yet, can’t he see the big bump in the middle of the bed?

I slowly remove the covers from my face and see him hovering over me. He just stays there, looking at me. He leans down and kisses me, long and passionate. He hasn’t kissed me like this in a long time. I kiss him back and run my arms down his back. The kiss doesn’t last long though, but now my hormones are going crazy. He smiles when he realises what he’s done. “You smug bastard” I hit him on the arm and he just laughs.  “Hey it’s not my fault you’re pregnant” he says. “Oh but it is” I laugh. “Yeh you’re right, but I would never change it, even if you paid me a million dollars.” I roll to my side and so does he. “I love you” I blurt out. “Ditto” he says back. I slowly close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep.


I wake up and all the blankets and cushions have gone, along with Josh. I eventually get up after many attempts, and walk downstairs. No ones around. I walk in the kitchen and find a note stuck to the fridge. ‘Gone shopping. We have no food!!! I wonder who at all of that… Be back soon. Love the sexiest man in the world. P.S: love you xxx’ I smile and grab myself some water.

An hour passes and Josh still isn’t back. How much food do we need? I dial his number and call him. At that moment someone walks through the door. “About time I was getting hun-” I stop mid sentence and see Emilie walk in with Josh. “Emilie? What are you doing here!” I run over to her and hug her. “Josh arranged for me to come out and see you.” she says. I look at Josh who is putting all the food away. “How long are you staying for?” I ask her. “Three weeks” she squeals. “Wow you’ve got big” she exclaims. “You wanna feel him kick?” I ask. She nods her head and we go and sit down. I pull my shirt up and take her hand. We sit there silently, waiting for him to kick. He kicks hard, making us both jump. “That’s your Aunt Emilie! She’s going to be staying for a bit” I say.

Josh comes and joins us, placing his hand on my belly too. “Well peanut, everyone can’t wait to see you” Emilie says. We sit there for a bit, until Emilie runs to the room she will be staying in. I look at Josh and he’s just as confused as I am. She comes back with a big box. “Here” she hands it to me, “a little present for the soon to be Mr and Mrs Hutcherson” she winks. I open the box and find a photo album. It has the words ‘Once upon a time…’ written on it. I open it up and see the photos the family took of me and Josh when he gave me the necklace for my birthday. Me and Josh when we were dancing at my party. Me and Josh at Vidcon. Me and Josh when we moved in. Me and Josh when we went to our second scan. All the memories of me and Josh. Josh walks into the bedroom and comes back out with his camera. “Now this. Another perfect moment in our lives.” He sets it on the timer and sits back down. We all smile as the flash goes off. Straight away he goes to the printer and prints it off. He puts it in the album and writes ‘When Emilie came to visit Chantel at seven months pregnant with peanut.’ I smile and hug both of them.

It’s soon 5:30 so Josh makes dinner with the help of Emilie. They keep on laughing, but I’m to fat to go and see what I’m missing out on. I finally get up and creep over to the kitchen. I peek my head in and see that they are a mess! Food is all over the floor, and Driver is licking it up. I go to walk in and scare them when Josh stops me. “DON’T WALK IN! THE FLOORS SLIPPY!” he yells. I stop dead in my tracks, the last thing I want to do is fall over when I’m pregnant. “Don’t worry I won’t, I was just seeing what all the fun was about” I pout. They both look guilty as I turn to walk back. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and lift me slightly off the ground. I laugh as Josh sets me on top of the counter. “You’re really heavy” he breaths. “So what are we having for dinner?” I ask. “Spaghetti and meatballs” Emilie and Josh say at the same time in an Italian accent. Josh cleans up the floor so I can walk around. I grab the plates and cutlery and place them on the table. Josh hands the portions out and we eat in comfortable silence.

“Wow, this is really good” I say. “Thank Emilie, she did most of it” Josh confesses. Me and Emilie laugh and carry on eating. We finish and sit in the garden. Emilie plays with Driver and I sit with Josh’s arms around me. “Thank you for bringing her out hear” I say to him. “It’s ok. I thought you might be missing her, and she was pretty excited to see the bump” he rubs my belly. “And I missed her too. She and your dad are the only people who didn’t judge me when you were in hospital.” He looks at her and smiles. “Yes, she’s not shy. She always sees the best in people.” I bring his chin down and kiss him lightly on the lips.

The sun starts to set and Emilie brings Driver over with her. We all sit together as the sun sets. “It’s beautiful” Emilie whispers. “Just wait until the stars come out” I whisper back. Soon enough the stars scatter across the sky, some shining brighter than others. We sit there in awe as we cuddle into one big group. A shooting star goes past, “make a wish” I say. “What did you wish for?” Josh whispers in my ear. “I can’t tell you otherwise it won’t come true.” I whisper back. He laughs. “Right, let’s go to bed” he helps me up. We get ready for bed and I walk into Emilie’s room to say goodnight. “Em?” I say softly. I walk over to her bed and she’s sound asleep. I smile and brush her hair away from her eyes. I plant a kiss on her forehead and whisper goodnight. I turn around and see Josh leaning against the door frame smiling. “Come on mummy, let’s go to bed” he holds his hand out to me. “Ok daddy.” I gladly take it and walk out, closing the door behind me. As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall into a deep sleep.

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