Telling everyone

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Josh’s POV

I wake up with my hand on Chantel’s belly. I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad. I think she was a little scared because we haven’t been together long, but I know we’re made for each other. I could always picture her being the mother of my kids. She starts stirring and I know she’ll run to the bathroom any minute now. I get up and walk to the bathroom, ready to be there for her. In seconds she’s bending over, and I’m there to comfort her. Nine months of this I think. But what a fantastic thing that will come out of it.

After breakfast we decide to skype Emilie, since we got up early and in England it’s late at night. Her face pop up on the screen and I become nervous to tell her. “Hey guys! I didn’t think you would be up this early” she says. “Yeah well I have something to tell you” Chantel says. She looks at me and smiles. “What is it?” Emilie smiles back. “Do you want to tell her?” Chantel asks me. “No you tell her” I reply. “Tell me what!” Emilie grows impatient. I laugh at her and wrap my arms around Chantel. “Me and Josh are having a baby.”

I look closely at Emilie’s expression and to say she’s shocked would be an understatement. “What! Oh my god I’m so happy!” she squeals. “Let me go get dad.” She rushes off and soon comes back dragging Tony behind her. “Hi princess. What’s this news?” “You’re going to be a granddad!” Chantel says to the camera. A tear of happiness rolls down his cheek. “Really?” “Yes dad really.” Chantel starts crying too. “Stupid hormones” she yells. “You’ll have to put up with that for nine months,” he looks at me “good look with that Josh.” We both laugh. “Thanks Tony. You’re going to be a great granddad” I say. “You’re going to be a great dad Josh. Look after her.” “Will do. Bye” we wave to the camera and end the call. All those nerves have gone away.

We call the rest of our families and our close friends. When we’ve finally told everyone we know, we have lunch. “What do we tell the public?” Chantel asks. I think for a moment. “We can wait. When they start asking questions and they won’t stop, we’ll just confirm it.” It’s all I can think off. I don’t want to tell them now and end up losing the baby. It must be an ok answer because she seems satisfied with it.


“So what do you want our baby to be, a boy or girl?” she asks as she gets into bed. “A girl, so I can spoil her rotten. But not like one of those kids who ends up being a brat. But I would like to have a boy as well, teach him how to play basketball. What about you?” she rests her head on my chest. “A boy. I’ve always wanted a boy. What if he has your jaw?” she goes into a day dream mode and I laugh at her. “Either way we’ll love him or her endlessly” I say.

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