Sacred Geometry

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Magic has been infused with symbols since its inception. From ancient hieroglyphs and runes to the Christian cross or Star of David, symbols have taken their rightful place among the divine. The most sacred of symbols are derived from the universal language of mathematics.

 The most sacred of symbols are derived from the universal language of mathematics

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Geometry is a visual guide to divine laws of the universe. Many faiths use mathematics to depict their sacred heaven among the stars. Others use the rhythm of creating geometrical shapes in meditation as a visualization to attain enlightenment. The philosophy of Numerology and how numbers relate to the heavens can all be traced back to Sacred Geometry. 

In the picture below, The Heavenly City is depicted in a traditional drawing. It is believed that this one picture holds the numerical code that underlies all the elements of nature, including the magic within you. 

It represents the order of the universe

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It represents the order of the universe. Astronomers use the mathematics of divine law to chart the stars, just as astrologers use it to create horoscopes from birth charts. The Tree of Life is often drawn geometrically, always bearing the twelve fruits of nature.

The small dot in the centre of the centre circle above, is the divine mystery

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The small dot in the centre of the centre circle above, is the divine mystery. It is the one constant that joins all the twelve elements of the universe together. It represents the creator, for without it, nothing else would exist.

To explain in terms of the numbers themselves, lets start where it all begins; the number one. The first figure in Sacred Geometry, the symbol of One, sits in the centre of the Heavenly City above. Also, depicted below, the circle with its microcosm. The dot made by its creator's compass. Just as all life is created and returned from one source, so are the symbols of the divine. 

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