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*hands you cookie*
*gives you sw merch*
*also gives you tissue because the next few chapters will be crazy and sad*


I marched down the hallway in anger. Becoming a Sith Lord?! Is he out of his mind?! Does he even know what that can do to the Senate?! The Council?! To me?!

I have to tell someone about this.

Then I bump into someone, and look up to see Aro. "Oh, hey Aro." I smile as I rub my neck.

"Hello Master Ka'o." He smiles and bows, and I giggle.

"Please, when we are alone, call me Olivia." I say smiling, and he smiles back.

"Will do, Olivia." He laughs, and I do the same. "Is something wrong though? I sense fear and anger in you." He says, and I raise my eyebrow.

"So, you've become quite strong with the Force." I smile, and he blushes.

"I do try. But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm only a Padawan anyway..." He says looking down, but I chuckle.

"No, just some fian-I mean-friend issues. But I'll work it out." I smile, and he nods.

"Cool, well I hope everything works out. I'll see you around Olivia." He smiles, and I do the same.

"Bye Aro." I smile as he walks away, but then I stop. "Wait!" I yell, and he turns around.

"I actually, kind of need to know where Master Windu is."

He laughs. "Sure. I saw him in the main hallway looking out the window." He smiles, and I nod.

"Thank you. Bye!" I yell as I run away. He waves slightly before turning around and walking away.

I sprint towards the main hallway. I find him and slow down, and I walk towards him. "Good evening my Padawan." (I know she's not a Padawan anymore but he will forever call her that because he doesn't want her to grow up so yeah.) He tells me as he looks out the window at the sunset.

"Hello, Master. There is something urgent I must tell you-"

"And there is something urgent I must tell you." He says and turns around to face me. "We will not be granting Anakin as Master."

"What? Why?"

"He is too arrogant, and he isn't trustworthy. He will have to prove himself if he wants to be granted such a big responsibility." (Just like Nick Fury he has trust issues.) He says, and I nod. "But you will be coming back. I don't care what the Chancellor says, I trust you with my life." He smiles as he puts his hand on my shoulder, and I nod.

"Thank you, Master. It is a great honor. But now I must tell you my news." I say, and he takes his hand off my shoulder.

"What is it?"

I sigh. "I think the Chancellor is a Sith Lord. The one we've been looking for." I say, and his face goes to shock.

"Come, let us have a walk."

He brings me outside and we proceed to walk around the city. Luckily, this time a night it isn't too crowded, and it looked like we were the only few out there.

"Continue." He says, and I nod.

"He was trying to convince Anakin to let him teach him the ways of the Sith Force. Anakin wants to save someone, but the only way is to learn the ways of the Force. He seems like he's willing to do it too, Master, and that worries me."

"I knew that boy couldn't be trusted."

"Please, Master, I don't know if he has agreed yet. When I was in the room I did not hear him say yes." I reply.

"Did you hear him say no?" Master Windu asks, and I shake my head.

"Please, keep an eye out on him. And if this information is true, you have gained more trust from me, and from the Council as well. If he is, our prayers have been answered." Windu says, and I nod.

Then my communicator goes off, and I answer it to see Anakin.

"Olivia, I need you back at the apartment. There is something I must tell you."

"Okay, I'll be right over." I say and hang up.

"I assume this is about Palpatine. I will let you know anything, Master."

"Be safe, my young Padawan." He replies. We bow, hug, and I jog off to the apartment.

I shut our apartment door, and he turned around and sighed in relief. "Oh thank the Force you're alright." He says and hugs me.

"Uh, yeah. I didn't exactly go on a mission or anything." I reply as we let go.

"I know, i-I was just worried you left me."

"I told you, Anakin, I won't stay with you if you learn the ways of the Sith. Save my life or not, it won't matter. I'll still hate you."

Then I notice his eyes dull, and his face is hanging low. I see his eyes are bloodshot, and he has huge bags under his eyes.

"I know......I won't learn them. I won't. I love you so much and I just can't live without you," he starts before he tears up, "please don't leave me." He says in almost a whisper.

"I'm not leaving you. You did the right thing, Ani." I kiss his cheek and hug him.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Ani."

We let go and I look at him. "Go on, get ready for bed. I'll be there in a minute." He nods and walks into our bedroom.

I take out my communicator and call Master Windu.

"Any news young Ka'o?" He asks, and I nod.

"He didn't except." I respond, and Master Windu nods.

"We still cannot grant him Master."


"That's final young Ka'o. Now get some rest, we have a meeting tomorrow. And do not worry, I have already informed Anakin about it. 8:30 tomorrow morning, be there."

"Yes Master." I say bowing.

"Goodnight Ka'o."

So I've written a couple chapters which will be published today so yeah look forward to it!

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