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We are finally in our regular attire, and we enter the Council room and stand in the middle.

"Anakin Skywalker, we have approved your visit to the Chancellor as his personal representative." Windu says, and I look at Anakin.

"I will do my best to uphold the principles of the Jedi Order." Anakin responds.

"Allowing this appointment, the Council does not. Disturbing, the Chancellors decision was." Yoda buds in.

"I understand." Anakin says.

"And my young Padawan," Windu says intimidating me, "you are in no innocence either. You went too, even though you knew you shouldn't have."

"Of course Master. I'm very sorry, it will never happen again." I say, and he nods.

"Now , Anakin, although you are on this Council, we do not grant you the rank of Master."

Here we go.

"What?! How can you do this?! I am more powerful than all of you here!" Anakin yells.

Windu looks at me. "Olivia."

"Master I really don't-"

"Do it please."

I groan. I grab Anakin's arm, and flip him over. He grunts as he hits the ground. "Sorry. I don't want to get in trouble. Again." I say to him, and reach out my hand and pull him up.

"Take a seat young Skywalker." Master Windu says.

"Right. Sorry Master." He says as he brushes off his cloak. He sits down beside me, and glares.

We start to talk about what to do with Grievous. He's such a coward, all he does is run away and hide. I'm sick of him doing that, he's all talk and no show. Kind of like Padmé. (Yup that's right we're brining Padmé back into this mess. Get ready.)

"What about the wookies?" I ask.

"Wookies?" My Master repeats in confusion.

"Yes. They are not only strong and terrifying, they're also very obedient and stubborn."

"How strong are these Wookies?" Obi-Wan asks.

"Well, they can rip a humans arm off just as easy as you can rip paper. I'd say they'd be able to take those droids down easily." I reply, and my Master nods.

"This situation is critical, we have to send them down, immediately!"

"Olivia and I know the system pretty well. It would take us little time to take down those droids." Anakin says.

Wrong timing Anakin.

"Skywalker, your assignment is here with the Chancellor, and Kenobi must find General Grievous." Windu responds strictly.

"Go, I will. Good relations with the Wookies, I have." Yoda says, and we all nod.

"It is settled then. Yoda will take care of the Wookies, Kenobi will find Grievous, and you two will stay and protect the Chancellor. You all are dismissed." Windu says.

Anakin and I get up and bow. "Master Kenobi, I must speak with you." I say, and Obi-Wan gets up and comes out with us.

We enter the hallway. "One second please." I say to Obi-Wan and grab Anakin's hand and drag him to a corner.


"Stop what?! They're the ones underestimating me!"

"Well in the past you haven't really proved them wrong for doing so."

"Oh, so you're blaming me now?!"

"You know, why are you even marrying me if you hate me so much?!"

"What? I never said I hated you Olivia."

"Well we argue all the time Anakin. I just.....I just don't know if this will work."

"No, we can work it out." He says as he grabs my hands. I sigh.

"We'll finish this conversation back at the apartment. You go on ahead, I have to speak to Obi-Wan for a second." I say and kiss him.

"I love you Anakin.....but I don't know if you love me." I let go of his cheek and walk around the corner to Obi-Wan.

"Hi, do you want to take a walk?" I ask.


Padmé's p.o.v.
Woah, did I just hear Olivia say she wants to cancel their relationship?! This is definitely my chance, I have to follow her and Obi-Wan.

I sneak behind them and slowly, yet quietly walk behind them.

"I'm afraid that he is changing Master Kenobi." Olivia says.

"Please, call me Obi-Wan when we aren't in the Council room."

"Right, sorry. I just feel something is going to happen to him. With the Council not trusting him, it seems like you, Padmé and I are the only ones who do. I feel so bad for him, but I sense so much anger, sometimes I'm afraid to be around him."

Ohhhh this is some juicy stuff.

"I do too. I'm trying my best to get the Council to understand that he can be trusted, but sometimes he doesn't do a good job of showing it."

"I know. But he just likes to add a little bit of fun to missions instead of being all serious, which makes everyone motivated to actually go, I wish my Master could see that. He's the only one making the rest of the Council underestimate Anakin." Olivia responds.

They are both quiet for a moment, then Obi-Wan speaks.

"You two are getting married aren't you?" He asks, and she looks at him, then looks down.

"Yes, yes we are."

Oh I am so using that information.

"Olivia, you know it is against the Jedi Rules to even have thoughts about someone in that way."

"I'm sorry Obi-Wan, I really am. But haven't you ever broken the rules for someone?" She asks, and he sighs.

"Yes, I did." They stop and face each other, which makes me have to hide behind the corner.

"Just be careful Olivia. Love is a wonderful thing, but it can also be a horrible thing." He says to her, and she nods.

"This conversation is between us only."

"Yes Miss.Ka'o. Now go on, before you get in trouble. It may look odd that we are alone."

"Right. Thank you Master Kenobi-oops-Obi-wan, for being there for me ever since I was a stupid Padawan." She says, and they both laugh.

"You're still a stupid Jedi Knight." He responds and messes up her hair.

"Whatever. But seriously, you're like a brother to me." She smiles, and he smiles back.

"And you are like a sister to me. Now I must go back to the Council, so I will see you later. And give me a call if you need to talk."

"Right back at you Kenobi. Bye." She smiles, and he does the same.

"Goodbye." They walk separate ways, and I take off to Anakin's apartment before Olivia can.

Let's see how she likes it when Anakin leaves her for me.
I am like terrified for the next chapter even though I know that's going to happen I'm still terrified to write it and I might cry so....yeah be ready for that!

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