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"Dad!" I smile. "How ya been?" I ask, and he smiles.

"Very good. It's very peaceful here." He says, and I frown. "I don't care. We're enemies, remember?"

"Ah, then why am I in your dream?" He asks, and I shrug. "Why is it so dark anyway? I thought my dream would be a little more creative." I continue as I look around at the blackness of the room.

"Well, it's your dream. Where do you want to be?" He asks, and I look down.

With Anakin.

I close my eyes and imagine we are on Tattooine. I suddenly hear giggling voices, and I open my eyes to see a 8 year old me and a 7 year old Anakin making brownies in Shmi's kitchen.

I remember this.

We giggle each other when we see how much chocolate mix is on our faces. Anakin reaches his tiny finger into the bowl and puts some chocolate on my nose. I giggle and do the same to him.

I smile a little at the memory. "Ah, so you want to be with Anakin?" My Father asks, and I nod.

"He's the only person who makes me happy." I respond as I continue to watch us play with the mix.

"Any other memory you want to go to?" My Father asks, and I nod.

As soon as I think of it, the scenery changes. It's a year earlier, which means Anakin is 6 and I'm 7.

We are laying out on the sand at night, looking up at the stars. We did this almost every time I came over to sleep over at his house.

"Dat one looks wike a bunny!" Anakin shouted as he pointed to a star, and I chuckled.

"It does, doesn't it?" I say, and he looks at me and giggles. I remember I started taking my education seriously when I was 7. Anakin's parents were having issues, so I would always take care of him and make sure he was always alright.

Yes I know Anakin's Dad wasn't there throughout his life but we are gonna pretend he was okay? Okay.

"Wivie?" He asks.

"Yes, Ani?"

"We-We will be fwiends forewer, wight?" He asks with his cute speech impediment.

"Of course we will. I'll always be there for you." I smile as I put my arm around him, and he snuggles into my chest.

"Always?" He asks.

"Always." I respond, and then we both fall asleep on the sand.

"Awww, you two are so cute. I ship it."

"Dad!" I yell and swat him, making him laugh.

"What? You're cute together!" He laughs, and I chuckle. My smile fades when a question arises.

"What will happen if I die?" I ask him, and he circles me.

Really? The circling again?

"What do you think will happen?" He asks, and I shrug.

"Well, lets see." He says, and the scenery changes to a movie theater. "Popcorn?" He asks as he hold out popcorn.

Why not?

I take a handful and shove it into my mouth.


I'm hungry!

"I'm sorry. She didn't make it." The Doctor says to them, and Anakin falls to his knees and sobs. Obi-Wan helps him up and take him back to his apartment.

Now he is laying in bed, crying. I see the sun go up and down over 10 times, and he's still crying.

On the eleventh day I see him slowly get out of bed, and pick up a picture of us. He kisses it, sets it down, grabs his lightsaber, cloak, and walks out the door.

The next scene is him on his knees in front of Palpatine. "You will now be known as Darth Vader." Palpatine smiles.

"I will do whatever you ask. I have nothing else to live for now....nothing to loose." Anakin responds.

Then I see him kill all the younglings.

Then he is on Musafar with Padmé. "Anakin, you're breaking my heart!" She yells, before he begins to Force choke her.

"Let her go, Anakin!" Obi-Wan yells, before dropping his cloak.

"Ugh, always dropping the cloak-"

"Shh!" I say interrupting my Father.

They battle for a while, before Obi-Wan wins, and Anakin is slowly burned.

"You were my brother Anakin," Obi-Wan yells as he watches, "I loved you!"

Anakin stares at him for a moment with his dark yellow eyes. "I HATE YOU!" He screams, before Obi-Wan leaves, letting Anakin burn to dust.

The End.

"Well, that was brutal!" My Father says before standing up and stretching out his back.

I look up at him. "That's what will happen if I die?" I ask, and he nods.

"The whole story will change. It's all up to you, whether you want to stay, or go." He says and I stand up.

"I want to stay. I can't let them live a life like that." I respond, and then we hear a faint beeping.

"Just in time. Looks like the surgery was successful." My Father smiles, and I smile back.

"Thank you Dad."

"No problem sweet heart."

"Will I ever see you again?" I ask, and he starts to fade away.

"I'll always be in your heart, my daughter." He smiles. "Love you." He says as we slip farther and farther away from each other.

"Love you too Dad." I smile, before everything turns white.

I slowly open my eyes and bright lights in my face. When my vision focuses, I turn my head and see Anakin laying his forehead on my hand while holding it, and I smile a little.

"Hi." I say wearily, and he looks up and smiles. He begins to stroke my cheek as he tears up.

SOOOOO this may be the last chapter for today! :( I know I'm sorry, but I'm going to start editing for my fanpage which if you edit too you know it takes a while. So yeah! I hope you enjoyed!

Goodbye my Padawans, and may the Force be with you.

Btw my fanpage is TheDoctors.lightsaber but if you go on it don't say anything about my books. It's kind of personal for the reason but yeah anyways peace out my Smol Padawans!

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