Chapter 1

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It was a hot, sunny day in Seattle. Two cute, preppy girls sang along in their car to a bit of popular pop music. Y/N L/N, eighteen, pretty (but trying hard not to be (and failing), pulls her rundown car up next to theirs and scowls with indignation at their choice of music. Don't you just love high school?

You rolled your eyes at the girls in the next to you. How can people be such complete fools to listen to that crap?! You thought as you glare out the car window at them as they looked over to your car and slowly stopped singing. Lucky for you, the light turned green which led you to speed off. With that, you reached the oh so fantastic world of high school! You scoffed at the looks your receiving and hurried toward the front door of Wayne Manor version of an ordinary high school, as many people like to call it. You see another happy prep pasting an advert for prom on the wall, only causing you to rip it off as you walk past. "Hey!" You heard her call out as you continue walking into the building.

Meanwhile, in the guidance counselor office, sits sophomore Phil Lester, a clean-cut, easy-going new kid at school with an optimistic, innocent face. In front of him sits Mr. Kjellberg, who was middle of composing some racy lines from his pulp romance-novel-in-progress on his laptop. Mr. Kjellberg looked over at Phil closing his laptop with a satisfied smirk. "So, Phil. Here you go." He reviews Phil's transcript. "9 schools in 10 years, my my... Army brat?" "Yeah. My dad's a..." Mr. Kjellberg cuts him off. "That's enough. I'm sure you won't find Padua any different than your old school. Same little asswipe shit-for-brains everywhere." Phil looked at Mr. Kjellberg with a shocked expression "Excuse me. Did you just say... Am I in the right office?" "Not anymore you're not. I've got deviants to see and a novel to finish. Now scoot. Scoot!" Phil hurriedly gathers his stuff. "Okay... Um, Thanks." Phil starts to leave and passes Dan Howell, a smug, tall brit, who's on his way in. Mr. Kjellberg looks down at his file and up at Dan. "Daniel Howell. I see we're making our visits a weekly ritual." He gives him a disapproving glance. Dan answers with a charming smile. "Only so we can have these moments together. Should I, uh, get the lights?" "Oh very clever, London boy. Says here you exposed yourself in the cafeteria? "I was joking with the lunch lady. It was a bratwurst." "Bratwurst? Aren't we the optimist? Next time keep it in your pouch, okay? Scoot!" After he leaves, Mr. Kjellberg goes back to writing his novel, adding the word "bratwurst" to the sentence he was working on.

In the hallway stands Pj, a typical, overachieving, brainy senior with a young republican's sense of style, introduces himself to Phil among the bustle of the hall. "Pj. I'm supposed to show you around. Phil smiles at Pj, seeming a bit relieved. "Oh hi. Thank God! You know, normally they send down one of those audio/video geeks." "You know, I do. I know what you mean, yeah." Suddenly, an audio/video geek pushing a cart full of film equipment rolls alongside them. "Hey Peej, where should I put those slides?" Pj hurriedly pushes the geek in a different direction causing him to crush the cart. "What the hell Pj?!" Pj looks back at the geek with an apologizing look and turns back to Phil. "So, uh," he looks down at the paper "...Phil. Here's the breakdown: over there you've got your basic beautiful people. Now listen. Unless they talk to you first, don't bother." Phil looks at Pj confused "But wait. Is that your rule or theirs?" "Watch." Two ironically not very good looking jock as they pass. "Hey there." "Geek." Pj looks back over at Phil "See that?" The Jock and his friends glare as if offended as the two walk away.

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