Chapter 14

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       Meanwhile, Phil and Pj were getting ready to go to the party. "So, then Zoe says that I was right. That she didn't wear the Kenneth Coles with that dress because she thought it was mixing genres. Right? And the fact that I noticed, and this is a direct quote 'really meant something.'" Phil gushes to PJ. "You told me that part already," Pj said fixing his tie. "I've been thinking about it all day," Phil states shrugging. "Stop being so self-involved for one minute. How do I look?" PJ turns to Phil. "You look like my great Uncle Milton." "You think I should lose the tie?" "Yeah." Pj looks in the mirror one last time. "Maybe you're right. I'm just so nervous. You know? And I'm also very excited. I'm nervous and I'm excited. It's all very mixed up. I don't know" he yanks off the tie. "Okay, alright. Just calm down. Alright." "The last party I went to was at Chuck-E-Cheese. You wanna talk about some fun?" he snorts happily. "That's a good time."


      PJ steps down the hallway with a beer in his hand and bee-lines for a gorgeous blonde. "You know," he takes a sip of beer. "I'm thinking about getting a Tercel. Yeah, that's a Toyota." She cringes and she and her friend start to walk away. Pj shouts after her. "It has dual-side airbags and a spacious back seat."

       Outside, Y/N and Dan come up the stairs to the balcony. Dan catches the attention of a very drunk and happy girl. "Kiss me!" She says embracing him and he turns her around and nudges her into the arms of a lonely guy on a chair. "Kiss him." She immediately falls upon the lucky guy's lips. He manages to tear himself away for a moment as Dan passes. "Hey, thanks, man!" In doing so, he forgets about the girl and drops her on the ground. Meanwhile, Y/N has made her way into the living room, where she is met by Caspar. "Sweet! Lookin' good tonight, (stupid nickname) ." Y/N gives him a dark look and then stops and points at his forehead. "Wait, was that? Did your hairline just recede?" He's flustered for a moment. When he recovers she's already walking away. "Hey, where ya going?" "Away." "Your sister here?" "Stay away from my sister." "Oh, I'll stay away from your sister. But I can't guarantee she'll stay away from me." He says smirking. A ruckus sounds from the next room and a jock jumps in next to them. "Fight!" He screams. "Ooo! Fight!" Caspar yells jumping up. He and the Jock run off to watch. Two guys are punching it out in the den. Ian watches in horror. "You guys, please! Take it outside!" They wrestle and crash through the bay window onto the grass outside. "Thank you." Y/N pushes through the gathered crowd to get away and encounters Caspar with Zoe on his arm. "Hey Y/N. Look who found me." Caspar and Zoe walk away as she ignores you. "Zoella, wait!" She turns back to Y/N looking annoyed. "Please don't address me in public." "No, wait. There's something I need to tell you." "Look. I am busy enjoying my adolescence, so scamper off and do the same." Caspar smirks loving the conflict. "Bye bye." They leave a dejected Y/N behind. A guy with a tray of shots sidles up next to Y/N. "Want one?" Dan appears behind her as she snatches a shot and downs it with a grimace of intense discomfort. "What's this?" he asks. The shot guy waves his arms in the air. "Right on, sister!" Dan gently pulls Y/N to the side. "I've been looking all over the place for you." "I'm getting trashed, man." She says in a mocking voice. "Isn't that what you're supposed to do at a party?" "I dunno. I say, do what you wanna do." "Funny, you're the only one. Later." She pushes away into the crowd.

       Pj spots another pair of girls and tries his luck again. He does a weak impression of the Irish jig. "Lord of the Dance. Hi Cat." "Bite me." She walks away. "Should have kept the tie." Phil comes up behind him. "Hey. Have you seen her around anywhere?" Pj spots Zoe and Louise coming down the stairs and points Phil in her direction. "Relax. Relax. I'm telling you, follow the love, man." Phil just shakes his head and walks over to the girls. "Hi, Zoe." "Oh, hi Phil. Um, you know Louise right?" A bit uncomfortable, she pushes Louise between them. "Yeah. I think we have art together, right?" "Great," Louise says unamused. Phil looks over at Zoe. "So, uh, you really look amazing." Louise shows pitiable disdain at his obvious pass. "Thanks," Zoe says still feeling uncomfortable. Caspar comes down the stairs and has overheard Phil's compliment. Louise looks him up and down approvingly. "We all know I look amazing," Caspar says cockily. The girls both giggle. "Zoe, let's go. We're all gonna go prank Mr. Dawson's house." Zoe looks at Phil one last time. "Um, I'll see you around, okay?" Caspar and the girls walk away as Phil stares in disbelief. Caspar looks back just long enough to flash him a thumb's up. Phil still stands there absolutely heartbroken and crushed.

      Zoe walks next to Caspar as he blathers about modeling. "So I've got the Forever 21 catalog thing going -- and the TopMan gig. That is gonna be huge!" He pauses as someone screams and falls off the roof outside the window. "And I'm up for a shaving ad next week." Zoe looks truly offended. "I know it sounds kind of bogus, but...I get to do some acting." He pauses again, this time to place his empty can of Budweiser atop a large beer-can pyramid. He then strikes a pose. Zoe isn't even watching. "You see what I did there?" She snaps out of her daze and looks at him then at the pyramid. "Um... uh huh." "That was underwear. I'll show you the bathing suit one next." It's exactly the same as underwear. "You see the difference?" She turns away looking disgusted again. He notices her lack of interest and takes it in stride, turning immediately to someone behind him. "Okay, I'll show you." Zoe uses the opportunity to slip away.

       A cowboy sits with another kid chewing tobacco. He unloads a mouthful of it into a nice crystal vase. Ian takes the vase from them and moans woefully. Zoe passes, searching the crowd, and spots Caspar through an archway striking poses for a crowd. She turns away and faces Phil, who is obviously not happy with the evening's turn of events. Zoe decided to avoid the inevitable conflict and pulls Louise in the opposite direction. "Is it just me, or does this party all of a sudden suck?" They walk away having Phil watch them with a sour look.

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