Chapter 10

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\(•.•)/ next morning at school \(•.•)/

       Dan shuts his locker revealing an angry Caspar glaring at him. "When I pay you fifty, I expect results." "Yeah yeah I'm on it." "Watching the chick violate my car doesn't count as a date. If you don't get any, I don't get any. Let's go get some." Caspar then turns from Dan waking away. "I just upped my price" Caspar stops in his tracks and slowly turns back to Dan. "What?" "A hundred bucks a date. In advance." "Forget it." "Forget her sister, then." Caspar thinks for a frustrating moment, then take another fifty out of his wallet. "You better hope you're as smooth as you think you are." Dan takes the money winking at Caspar and walks away.


         Pj and Phil enter the class spotting, Dan. Phil pushes Pj towards him. "Go." "No, you go." "I went before." Pj glares at Phil and he sighs walking towards Dan. "We know what you're trying to do, with Y/N L/N." "Is that right? And what do you plan to do about it?" Dan states still working on his project. "Help you out." Dan looks at Phil. "Why's that?" Pj hurry jumps in. "The situation is, my boy, Phil here has the hots for Zoe L/N. "What is it with this chick? She has candy floss flavored nips?" "Hey!" Phil says. Pj shushes him. "I think I speak correctly when I say that Phil's love is pure. Purer than say -- Caspar Lee's." "Look. I'm in on this for the cash. Lee can fuck whoever he wants." "Okay. There will be no fucking!" Phil states angerly. Pj shushes him again "Dan, uh, Daniel." Dan glares at the sound of his full name causing Pj to lean back a bit. "Let me explain something to you here. We set this whole thing up so Phil can get the girl." He points towards Phil. "Caspar is just a pawn." "So you two are gonna help me tame the wild beast?" Pj smiles. "We'll do some research. We'll find out what she likes. We are your guys." "And he means that in a strictly non- prison-movie type of way." Pj rolls his eyes and continues. "Let's start here. Now, Friday night. Ian is having a party. It's the perfect opportunity." "Opportunity for what?" "For you to take out Y/N." "I'll think about it." He walks away, leaving Pj and Phil grinning at each other. Pj chuckles. "And for a little payback. This is gonna be some party." Pj holds up a party invitation. It advertises a "wine and cheese" party. Transition. The words "wine and cheese" are replaced by "free beer". "Don't call" and "just show up" are printed at the bottom next to Ian's address in Seattle. "Let's do this." They dump a pile of fliers down the school stairwell. Students' hands reach out and grab them as they fall.

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