Chapter 17

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       Y/N and B/F/N are walking down the hall talking when Y/N sees a prom flyer and tears it down as the flier posting girl watches. "Hey!" She tells after them but Y/N doesn't hear her and just keeps walking. "Can you imagine who would go to that waste of time event that guys just use to get into girls pants?" B/F/N slowly raises her hand. "I would. But I don't have a date." She said looking bummed about it. "Do you really want to get all dressed up so some cool boy wannabe can wear a tux but has a boner that can feel you up while you're forced to listen to a band that by definition sucks?" "Alright, alright. We won't go. It's not like I've got a dress anyway." "You're looking at this from entirely the wrong perspective. We're making a statement." B/F/N rolled her eyes. "Oh, goody. Something new and different for us."

*time skip*

         Mr. Fischbach, the gym teacher, instructs the boys and girls shoot arrows at their designated targets. Caspar strolls up to Zoe, who is aiming carefully towards the target in front of her. "Hey there, Cupid." "Hi, Caspar." She mumbles not taking her eyes off the target. "You're concentrating awfully hard considering its gym class." She huffs annoyed and turns to look at him and releases the arrow at an angle. A cry is heard in the distance that neither of them pays any mind to. "Can I help you?" "I want to talk to you about prom." "Look, you know the deal. I can't go if Y/N doesn't go." In the background, Mr. Fischbach crumples to the ground with an arrow sticking out of his ass. Louise rushes over to help him. "Your sister is going," Caspar says putting his hand in his pocket. Zoe looks at him, surprised by this news. "Since when?" "Oh, let's just say I'm taking care of it." Caspar takes an arrow and hands it to her as he walks away.

     After leaving Zoe all confused in the field, Caspar walks down the hall and hands two $100 bills to Dan. "Here. This should take care of the flowers, the limo, the tux, everything. Just make sure she gets to the prom." Dan just watches the money rethinking this whole thing. "You know what? I'm sick of playing your little game." He pushes the cash against Caspar's chest. Caspar reaches into his pocket again and looks around. "You sick of, let's say, 300?" Dan looks a bit tortured but eventually takes the money.

      Y/N is playing the guitar with headphones on in the local music shop. Dan comes up behind her, then decides to leave her alone.

       Dan walks into a book store looking around for Y/N, he eventually finds her then follows her from the next row of books. When they reach the end of the aisle, he confronts her. "Excuse me, have you seen The Feminine Mystique? I've lost my copy." "What are you doing here?" She asks obviously annoyed. "I heard there was a poetry reading." "You're so..." "Charming?" Dan says cutting her off and winking. She turns and begins to walk away. "Wholesome." She stops and turns back to him. "Unwelcome." "You're not as mean as you think you are, you know that?" "And you're not as badass as you think you are." "Ooo, someone still has their knickers in a twist." Y/N walked up to him being close to his face. "Don't for one minute think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties." "Then what did I have an effect on?" Y/N steps back. "Other than my upchuck reflex? Nothing." She heads for the door, handing him a copy of The Feminine Mystique as she leaves.

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