Chapter 5

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      You are sitting at home reading a book when your dad walks in through the front door going through the mail. "Hello Y/N. Make anyone cry today?" "Sadly, no. But it's only four-thirty." Mark smiles proudly as Zoe walks in and kisses him on the cheek. "Hi Daddy," Zoe exclaims. "Hello, precious." you look up from your book. "And where've you been?" Zoe gives you a sour look, "Nowhere." "What's this? It says NYU?" Your dad questions looking at a letter. You snatch it away from him and runs across the room in a flurry of excitement, tearing it open and reading the contents silently. "I got in! I got in!" "Uh, honey that's great. But isn't NYU on the other side of the country?" "Thus the basis of its appeal." "Yeah. I thought we decided you were gonna stay here and go to U Dub like me. Be a husky." He says as he starts making some growling noises. "No, you decided." "Oh okay. So you just pick up and leave, is that it?" Zoe smirks loving the sound of that "Let's hope so." You give her a spiteful look then smiles sweetly. "Ask Zoe who drove her home." "Y/N," Mark said in a warning tone. "don't change the...drove?" He quickly turns to Zoe "Who drove you home?" Zoe glares at you then turns to him. "Now don't get upset, daddy, but there's this boy..." "Who's a flaming imbecile." You add. Zoe quickly continues glaring at you "and I think he might ask me..." "I think I know what he's going to ask you. And I think I know the answer: No. It's always no. What are the house rules? #1: no dating till you graduate. #2: no dating after you graduate. That's it." "Daddy, that's so unfair." "Alright. You wanna know what's unfair?" Mark turns to you "This is for you too." he continues "This morning I delivered a set of twins to a 15-year-old girl. Do you know what she said to me?" "I'm a crack-whore who should have made my sleazy boyfriend wear a condom?" Zoe asked. Mark pauses and thinks for a moment. "Close. But no. She said: I should have listened to my father." "She did not." "Well, that's what she would've said if she wasn't so doped up." "Can we focus on me for a second, please? I am the only girl in school who's not dating." Zoe says rolling her eyes. "Oh no, you're not. Your sister doesn't date." "And I don't intend to." You add. "And why is that again?" Mark is pleased and points to Zoe, expecting you to justify him. "Have you seen the unwashed miscreants that go to that school?" "Where did you come from? Planet Loser?" "As opposed to the planet "look at me! look at me!"?!" Mark quickly shushes both of you. "Okay, here's how we solve this one. Old rule out. New rule: Zoe can date..." Zoe lights up and you look upset. "...when she does." he finishes pointing at you. "But she's a mutant! What if she never dates?!" "Then you'll never date. Oh, I like that. And I'll get to sleep at night. The deep slumber of a father whose daughters aren't out being impregnated." His beeper goes off and he heads for the door. You head for the stairs. "We'll talk about NYU later Y/N/N." "Fine." "Wait! Daddy!" "I gotta go," Mark says as he closes the door. Zoe groans. "Can't you find a sad enough loner to take you to the movies so I can have just one date?" "I'm sorry. Looks like you'll just have to miss out on the witty group of Caspar "eat me" Lee." "You suck," Zoe exclaims storming off. You imitating Zoe "You suck."

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