Chapter 8

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      "Now remember guys. Grip it, and rip it." He hits the golf ball down into the stadium field, where it is collected by a kid holding a basket of balls. The field is filled with students exercising. Caspar makes his way toward Dan, who is sitting with Scurvy and Chipper while smoking. "Hey, how ya doin'?" Dan ignores him completely. Caspar sighs, "I had some great duck last night..." "Do I know you?" "See that girl?" Casper points to see you playing soccer on the field. "Yeah." "That's Y/N L/N. I want you to go out with her." Dan scoffs "Yeah sure, spiky." He and Scurvy laugh at the idea. "Look. I can't take out her sister until Y/N starts dating. You see, their dad's whacked out. He's got this rule where the gir-" "That's a touching story. It really is. Not my problem." "Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?" Dan raises an eyebrow. "You're going to pay me to take out some chick?" "Mmm hmm." "How much?" "Twenty bucks." Caspar and Dan turn to have another look at you. You violently body checks another girl and knocks her down. Caspar cringes a bit. "Fine. 30." "Well let's think about this. We go to the movies. That's, uh, 15 bucks. We get popcorn. That's, uh, 53. And, uh, she'll want Raisonettes, right? So, uh, we're lookin' at 75 bucks." "This isn't a negotiation. Take it or leave it, trailer park." "50 bucks and we've got a deal, Fabio." Casper hands him 50 dollars.


       You and the rest of the team complete practice. Mr.McLoughlin, the coach, calls the girls in over his megaphone. "Great practice, ladies" Dan takes out a cigarette and struts over to you. "Hey there, girlie. How ya doin'?" "Sweating like a pig, actually. And yourself?" "Now there's a way to get a guy's attention, huh?" "My mission in life." You cross your arms and continue talking, "But obviously I've struck your fancy. So, you see, it worked. The world makes sense again." You start to walk away only to have Dan to follow you. "Pick you up Friday, then" "Oh, right. Friday. Uh huh." "The night I take you to places you've never been to before." "Like where? The 7-Eleven on Broadway? Do you even know my name, screwboy?" "I know a lot more than you think." You scoff "Doubtful. Very doubtful." With that you speed off quickly, leaving him standing alone. Across the yard Phil and Pj watch.
"We are screwed." Phil exclaims. "Hey, no, hey. I don't want to hear that defeatist attitude. I want to hear you upbeat." "We are screwed!" Phil says again but throws his arms up and jump a bit. "There you go." As they watch, the coach gets hit with a golf ball and falls to the ground.

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