Defying Gravity

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(Will's POV)


Ah, how I love waking up to the sound of my mother's screeching.

"I'M UP, I'M UP!" I shout back, groaning and rolling out of bed.

I head over to my closet, and pick out a bright orange shirt and black athletic shorts. After changing into them, and out of my pajamas, I rake a brush through my hair and begin my morning routine.




I run down the stairs, grab a granola bar, and sprint out the door. Piper's sleek, green sports car is parked in my driveway, and she is sitting in the driver's seat impatiently.

"I'm here, I'm here. Go!" I say, swinging myself into the passenger seat.

She steps on the gas, and we speed away, leaving a fresh new skid mark on my driveway next to all the others.

Okay, so I'm late a lot.


Okay, yes it is.

When we pull up at the school, Piper parks in the same parking spot as everyday.

Okay, so Piper has her own parking spot. It wasn't supposed to be hers, but ever since she started at this school, she has parked there.

No one questions it, or tries to steal her spot, which pretty much declares the fact that she 'owns' it. We have all accepted the fact that she has claimed that space.

We clamber out of the car, and dart inside to our lockers. Mine is jammed, but why wouldn't it be? (Note the sarcasm).

I pry it open, shove my stuff in, and grab my binder before heading off to class.

~~*time skippity-do-da*~~

(Lunch time)

"Drat!" I say, slapping my forehead.

"Drat? Really?" Rachel says, stifling a giggle. "How old are you again?"

"Haha, very funny. But seriously, I left my water bottle in my locker. I'll meet you in the lunch room, I'm gonna go get it."


I turn around and walk back to my locker, which is on the opposite end of the school.


I speed walk through the hallways, until I reach my locker and twist in the combination. I yank it open after hearing the click, and tug my water bottle out.

I am about to close my locker, when I hear a faint noise from the music wing. I shut my locker quietly, and walk over to the music wing, my curiously getting the best of me.

It sounds like music!

As I get closer, I recognize the sound as a pretty female voice, floating out from the auditorium.

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