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"Since I know your identity, maybe you should know mine too?" Chat suggested, as they were both going to sleep. Marinette turned around to face him.

"No. Just because you know mine, doesn't mean I have to know yours," Marinette said. "Maybe this is the best way,"

Chat sighed and climbed into her bed. He felt so useless, more than ever before.

"How are we supposed to turn me back if we don't know what's going on?" Chat asked once they were both in beds.

Tikki flew up. "Maybe we could ask the guardian for answers?"

"That's a good idea, Tikki!" Marinette said, caressing her kwami.

"The guardian? Am I missing something?" Chat asked.

"He's the keeper of the other miraculouses. Marinette met him twice, actually. Or for that matter three times," Tikki chuckled.

"Who is he?" Chat asked.

"You'll see," Tikki said. "I'll take you to him tomorrow,"

"After school, though," Marinette sighed. "I hate school,"

"Goodnight, Chat,"


"Night, Princess,"


She heard a light crying in the middle of the night. First she thought she was dreaming, but once she was awake, she realized it actually wasn't a dream.

Her kitty cat was rolling over in the bed, crying in his sleep. She thought of how awful he must have felt.

"Tikki what do I do?" Marinette asked her little kwami, which was fast asleep beside her.

She sighed as she stood up, quietly walking over to the ladder of the bed. She climbed up carefully, trying not to wake him.

She lied down next to him, hugging him.

"It's going to be alright, kitty," she wispered in his ear, but the cries didn't stop.

She pulled him more to her chest, stroking his hair.

She never knew someone's hair could be this soft. She smiled as she touched the end of his cat ear. She had no idea what material his ears were made out, but this is magic. It could be anything.

Before she knew, Chat hugged her back hiding his face in her neck.

"I'm so sorry, Mari," he wispered against her neck, so the warm breath tickled her.

She lifted his head, so her eyes caught his. "Chat, calm down. We'll find a way to get you back,"

"No, I'm sorry for you to have to deal with me," he said. She lifted her hand, caressing his cheek.

"No matter how annoying you can be, you are my best friend and I like to deal with you," she laughed quietly. A smile formed on his face.

"Now go to sleep. You'll need it," she wanted to get up, but Chat stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"C-Can you ... Can you stay w-with me?" he asked, a little embarassed.

No matter how she hated to admid it, but she found it cute.

She lied back, leaning her head onto his chest. He hugged her around her thin waist, pulling her as close as he could.

"Sleep well, kitty,"


"Marinette!" a voice yelled in her ear. She felt warmth all around her. She opened one eye and saw blond hair tickling her nose.

She moved it and looked around herself.

"Tikki?" she asked, confused.

"Oh god, finally. I tried not to wake Chat," she sighed as Marinette tried to climb out of his grip. She liked it and she didn't want to move. But she had to.

When she finally made it she slowly got all the things she needed and went to the bathroom and washed herself. Tikki woke her up at least an hour before school, so she had time.

When she was done, she went to the kitchen where she stuffed one croissant in her mouth and put three on a plate with a glass of milk. She took it to her room and carefully placed it on her desk.

She took out one sticky note.

'Croissants and milk are on the table. You can play videogames or read books which are on the shelf above the bed.

I hope you know how to read,

Marinette ;D'

She chuckled to herself as she put the sticky note on his nose. She didn't know when she started staring at the boy infront of her. His messy blond hair falling onto his eyes. She would stick the note on his forehead, but his hair is way too long.

She put a cover over the side of the bed and made a curtain where her parents could see him if they walked into her room and looked at him again. But this time she really looked at him.

She found him cute. Before she could think anything else, she mentally slapped herself and climbed off her bed.

She liked Adrien.

"You ready?" Tikki asked her. Marinette nodded as she took her bag and started walking to school. She had a few minutes before school and she was actually suprised she made it in time.

They all sat down in their sits, when Miss Bustier entered the classroom.

"Where's Adrien?" he still wasn't there.

Before Nino could answer, a knock was heard on the door and two police officers entered the classroom. Everyone looked suprised.

The taller cop wispered something to Madame Bustier, which automatically looked at the three friends in first and second row.

"Nino, Alya, Marinette go with them," she said and looked at the cops.

"Oh what did the three of them do now?" Chloe laughed. "Alya probably stole something from someone's locker again and both of others helped,"

Miss Bustier gave her an angry look, so she shut her mouth.

The three teens stood up and followed two cops outside.

Marinette knew this wasn't good.


I'm sorry for the weird chapter but ... FLUUUUUUFF EVERYWHERE. sorry I had a bad day and tomorrow I'm having another bad day so ... yay me ;D

Thank you for reading <3 I can't believe it's already 1.41K reads! Thank you!

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