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Both Marinette and Chat stared at each other for a long time.

None of them knew what to do.

Marinette slowly made a move by standing up from Chat and awkwardly scratching behind her neck.

"I-I should ... W-We should uh..I ..-" she quickly left the room, leaving the confused cat in her room.

Chat had no idea what just happened, so he just stood up and paced around the room.

Sunday went trough, since both were avoiding each other and Marinette was kind of happy to go to school. She didn't feel like looking at the boy.

"Hey Mari," Marinette was lost in her thought. All the was thinking was Chat and his lips pressed against hers.

Alya stood infront of the girl. "Are you okay?"

When Marinette didn't answer, Alya put a hand on her head and realized Marinette was burning up.

"Maybe you should go home," she said and Marinette's eyes widened.

"No way, Alya. I'm fine," she put a fake smile on her face. "See?"

Alya just rolled her eyes. "So how's Chat?"

Marinette's eyes shot up, looking at the girl infront of her. When she realized what she was talking about, she sighed in relief. "He's okay,"

She didn't want to talk about it, since it remembered her about the kiss, but Alya didn't stop. She was making up questions and Marinette had to lie to answer all of them.

"Okay, but how good of a kisser he really is?" Alya nudged her in the arm.

Marinette could answer this one truthfully. "From 1 to 10, he's a 10,"

"Woah, you like him," Marinette looked at her and she shut up.

"Can we talk about something else?"


She never thought she would say this, but school ended too quickly. She didn't want to face Chat.

She said goodbye to her friends, before slowly walking home. No news were heard about Adrien and Marinette had no idea what she could do.

Yes she was Ladybug, but it would be just weird to look for a boy, whom she - Ladybug - didn't even know.

Marinette knew him.

When she arrived home, she walked upstairs and without looking at Chat and started doing homework. The silence was in the room.

She gave up and looked at him. He was sitting on the floor, looking at one of her school books.

She bit her lip and sighed. He heard her sigh and looked up. They were staring at each other for some time, before Marinette had enough.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"For what?" Chat replied.

"The kiss?" she knew, he knew what she was talking about.

"I don't regret it, no matter how much I wish I would," he said, flipping the page in the book. "Do you?"

"I-I don't know," she said truthfully. "I'm confused,"

"I have a feeling there's someone else in your life that you would rather be with, so I won't stand on your way. If you think you're going to be happy with him, then I'm happy too,"

Chat's words shocked Marinette.

He stood up and put the book back from where he got it.

"Do you like someone else, Chat?" she asked.

"I thought I did," he said, before walking out of the trapdoor, leaving Marinette alone with Tikki.

"What was that supposed to mean?" she asked under her breath.

"I think, he just admitted that he likes you," Tikki replied.

"I need some fresh air too," she said, before walking out.

She was hoping she would spot Chat on Love Lock, but he wasn't there. She tried Eiffel Tower, but she had no luck either.

"Looking for someone?"

She let out a shriek and slapped the person that scared her. When she saw who she hit, she started apologizing right away.

"I am so sorry,Chien Marron!" she faked her excitement. She really didn't feel like talking to him right now.

"It's alright. Marinette right?" he asked. Where would he learn her name?

"Oh my god! A superhero knows my name!" she exclaimed, still acting. "But how?"

"Oh Alya .. the girl who runs Ladyblog posts pictures with you sometimes," he nervously scratched behind his neck.

"Oh right! It's nice to meet you," she smiled, but inside she was panicking. How would he know her name? It was obvious he was lying.

"Need a lift home, Princess?" he asked her. She shook her head. Did he just call her Princess? She only allowed Chat to call her that!

They heard someone clearing throat behind them. They turned around and saw Chat Noir, looking at Chien with a dead glare.

"No offence, but that nickname for her is already taken," he said, walking closer to them and crossing his arms on his chest.

"I'm sorry?" the dog-themed hero asked.

"What I'm trying to say is that she is MY Princess. You can go find your own," he said, wrapping an arm around her waist. She jumped at sudden touch.

"Is that true?" he looked at Marinette.

"Y-Yeah," she said, still shivering from his touch. What was he doing to her?

"We'll see each other again soon," he looked at both of them, before jumping away.

Chat unwrapped his arm and looked at her.

"What were you doing with him?" he asked her, obviously pissed.

"We were just talking," she said and shrugged. He rolled his eyes.

"He's up to something," he said.

"Yeah. So are you," she crossed her arms on her chest.

"W-What?" he looked at her suprised.

"Why are you so angry all of the sudden?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," he said, before jumping away too. She sighed and groaned.

She started walking home and because she wasn't paying attention she bumped into someone. She fell on a person and they both fell backwards.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm a really clumsy per...-" when she saw who she was talking to she immediately picked herself up.

It was Carlos. "Calm down, Marinette. No harm was done, see?"

He picked himself up too and started laughing. Marinette had to join, since it was really weird position they got themselves in.

"Can I invite you for juice, because of the accident?" he asked her, while laughing.

"Wasn't I suppose to ask you? I wasn't paying attention," she smiled.

"I insist," he said, offering her a hand.

"Okay," she said and accepted his hand.


I'm sitting here waiting to be killed. C'mon where are the weapons? I know you're hiding it! That little army of yours isn't invisible btw 😹😹😹😹

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