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If you didn't have a wish to kill me then you probably will after this chapter😈😈


"Bye maman, papa!" she waved as they rode away. She smiled as she started closing.

"Is it still open?" a voice said. She turned around by the sound. A young man stood by the door. He had blue eyes and brown hair. His hair was messy, maybe just as much as Chat's.

"Y-Yes, of course," she smiled. He stepped inside. He was a little shorter than Chat, but still taller than her.

'Why I am comparing him to Chat? Why not Adrien?' she thought.

"Thanks. Knowing my luck, I though it would be closed already," he smiled at her. She smiled back. They stood there for a couple of moments.

"Uhh do you want anything?" she asked and he nodded.

"What do you recommend?" he asked, looking at different desserts.

"On your place, I'd go with croissants or maracoons," she laughed. "They are the best,"

"Well then I'll take two croissants," he paid and still stood there smiling at her.

"I'm Carlos, by the way,"

"Marinette, nice to meet you," she said with a smile. She needed to admit that he was cute.

"Well, I'll see you around," he smiled, before waving and exiting the bakery.

She closed the shop and wanted to go upstairs to check on Chat, but Tikki stopped her.

"Don't tell anything that happened with this boy to Chat," she said seriously. Marinette looked at her strangely.

"Why?" she asked.

"Just don't, okay?"

Marinette nodded. She went to kitchen where she cooked the soup and brought it back to Chat. He was peacefully sleeping on her bed.

How did one human look so perfect?

She shook the thought right away and started carefully shaking him, to wake him up.

He mumbled something, but opened his eyes anyway.

She gave him the soup and smiled at him.

"Eat up. You didn't get anything warm to eat in two days," she said, before planting a kiss on his forehead and climbing on the bed.

He still didn't know why she kissed him so much on his forehead, but he wasn't complaining.

He ate up the tomato soup and felt even better, but still not okay.

That's when a loud crash was heard from the outside. Chat automatically shot up, just as did Marinette. He wanted to stand up, but she stopped him.

"No. I'll deal with it," she said. He wanted to protest, but Marinette looked him with a dead glare. He got those often from her. "You stay here. When the next akuma comes, you will be already strong enough to help me,"

No matter how Chat didn't feel like staying at home, he obeyed. There was no winning in this fight with his lady.

"Spots on!" she said, before running out of the window. He sighed as he lied down in his bed.

Meanwhile Ladybug was struggling with the akuma, but as soon as she thought she had everything under control, everything seemed to fall apart.

Akuma had her in a corner and her miraculous was beeping.

"Hey stink breath!"

A big plate (or so she assumed) was thrown at the monster infront of her, knocking it back.

That plate bounced back to the boy who threw it. She looked at him suprised.

He was in costume too. A dog costume. (you'll get it why I chose dog after a while)

His costume was in black and brown. Even though brown was the color that stood out. He had ears on his head, which was one each color. His costume looked a lot like like Chat Noir's, but his tail was shorter and instead of baton he had a flying plate.

Okay, it was a shield. (yes I got that idea from Captain America *wink wink")

"Need help?" he helped her up. He put his shield on his back and smiled at her.

"Uh thank you," she smiled as she accepted his hand.

"Your partner bailed?" he asked, while looking at her. She shook his head. "He's sick,"

"That's too bad. I'm Chien Marron (brown dog),"

"Nice to meet you," she said.

They defeated the akuma really fast.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to go. See you around!" she took off right after and landed on her balcony. She entered her room through the trapdoor.

Chat wasn't in bed. Nor in her room.

"You can't tell him about Chien Marron, it will crush him," Tikki said.

"You're telling me this the second time today. Why?" Marinette crossed her arms on the chest and looked at her kwami.

"Tikki, what are you hiding from me?" she asked.

Tikki looked at the floor.

"I-It's not my secret to tell," she said.

"Okay, I understand, but he's a strong guy. He can take a lot," she said, before walking downstairs. She found him watching TV.

When she saw what was he watching, her breath caught in her throath.

"Today, there was no sign of Chat Noir, but we got to see Ladybug fighting with a new hero, calling himself Chien Marron. Has something happen to Chat Noir or did Ladybug just swiched partners?"

"Is there really a new hero?" Chat asked weakly.

"Chat..-" she said, sitting down beside him. "...-do you think I'd swich partners, just because he showed up?"

"I don't know what I should think, if I'm honest," he said. "I need to get some air,"

"You're not going anywhere," Marinette said. "You're sick,"

"So if I am? I'm sick physically, just as I am mentally. It doesn't even matter, does it?" he said, his voice a little rising. He didn't mean to, but his voice made a little jump between tones, so it went higher than expected.

He did that only when he was on the edge of his nerves. He never did that infront of her.

"Chat please," she said, grabbing his wrist, pulling him back. He landed in her arms and for him it felt so right. What he did not know was that she felt the same way.

He sobbed in her shoulder. "I know I cry a lot," he apologized.

"I understand. Just cry, it will be better soon," she said rubbing the back of his head. She burried her head into his messy hair and felt like the boy she was holding was her world. And that world was slowly falling apart.

"What's really wrong, Chat?" she asked.

"I'm stuck,"

Stuck in this suit.

Stuck in friend zone.

Stuck with himself.


I know there aren't any other miraculous (I think), but I'm explaining other in the next chapter ;D

I make a lot of shit up. I just realized hah *nervous laughing then runs away*

Also any Carinette/Marlos (marixcarlos) shippers? No? ... k.

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