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Chat was pacing around the room really worried. Where was she?

They parted at least two hours ago and there was no sign of her. What happened to her?

"I swear if it's that dog again ..."

He jumped out of the trapdoor and looked for Marinette everywhere he could think of.

He stopped to catch his breath, when he saw something he really didn't want to see.

Marinette and a boy laughing together, while drinking tea. Then Alya came in the view. She saw Marinette and the boy and immediately went looking what was going on.

"Marinette, hi," she said, waving to her friend. Marinette waved back and laughed at something Carlos said.

"Who's he?" Alya asked and Marinette introduced both.

"Could I talk to you for a second?" she asked and Marinette nodded, then followed her on the other side of the cafe.

"What would Chat say about this? Already cheating on him?" little did the two girls know, that another person was listening to their conversation.

"We are just friends," Marinette said to Alya. She wanted to tell her the truth, but that would be just awful. "Besides, Chat understands I have guy friends,"

"Yes, but not like this!" Alya said seriously. She didn't want to have her best friend cheating on her boyfriend. She knew Marinette was better than this.

"Look Alya. I need to tell you something. This is getting out of control," Marinette sighed. She was done with hiding.

"Go say goodbye to your 'friend' there and then we can talk," she said seriously. Marinette rolled her eyes and nodded.

She returned to Carlos, who was just paying for both of them.

"You know I could pay for myself," she stated. "Thank you,"

"No problem. It's not every day I can buy a drink to a pretty girl," Marinette blushed as she said thanks again, before walking away with Alya.

They sat down at the park bench.

"Chat and I aren't dating," she said. A black cat themed hero was listening from behind a bush and that hit him hard. She was clear.
"Sure you aren't," Alya rolled her eyes.

"We're not dating, but yes I kissed him," she said, telling the truth.

"Why did you kiss him then? And why was he in your room?" Alya said, trying to get catch her on a lie.

"It was accident if I'm honest. And he was in my room, because we started talking one night and he helped me with Adrien problems and I helped him with Ladybug ones," she lied.

Chat narrowed his eyebrows. Adrien problems? What did he do now?

Alya looked at her suspiciously.

"He visits me sometimes if he's bored. We're nothing, just friends," she said. Her words hurt Chat. The worst part was they hurt her too.

"Fine, let's just say I believe you, but why did you kiss him?"

"I slipped, pulled him down with me, he landed on top of me and we accidentally kissed," lies were just slipping of her tongue.

"Your first kiss was an accident. Girl you have the worst luck," Chat's eyes widened. He was her first kiss? When he thought about it, she was his first kiss too.

"Don't start with it," she said, putting her head in her hands.

He decided it was time to leave, so he snuck quietly away.

No matter how she tried, she couldn't convince Alya. She was sure they were dating.

Meanwhile Marinette got rid of Alya and walked home. Chat was wrapped into a blanket, pretending to sleep.

"Chat?" she asked, checking if he's asleep.

She didn't really look, so she just thought he was asleep. Marinette sighed sadly and sat down on the uncomfortable thing.

"It's going to be okay, Marinette," Tikki said, rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just confused," she replied.

Chat rolled on the other side. Marinette looked up.

She heard a car pulling up infront of the bakery. She already knew it was her parents.

She quckly put another cover over Chat, so no one could see him and went to greet her parents.

"Sweetie, how are you?" Sabine asked her daughter.

"I'm fine. And you?" 'I want to get away from all the drama'

"We are fine. We got a secret recipe!" Tom said.

"That's amazing," 'Times were better before I liked boys'

"I'll be in my room," she said, before walking upstairs again. She grabbed some cookies on the way.

Tom looked at Sabine with worry in his look. "I have a feeling she's hiding something,"

Sabine nodded. "Let's not pry. She has to sort it out on her own,"


Marinette sat on the top of her ladder and looked at Chat Noir. She placed the cookies beside him in case if he was hungry.

He was still pretending to be asleep.

"You know, if you asked me one week before what I felt towards you, I'd say nothing," she started. Chat's eyes wanted to open and looked at her widely, but he kept his cool.

"Now, I'm not so sure," she said. "Just please stop messing with my head. I have enough drama in my life,"

She jumped from her bed and started doing her homework.

Chat bit his lip. Did that mean she liked him?

After a while, she stopped her homework and started working on her designs, which she forgot all about these past days.

Chat pretended to wake up and slowly walked down the ladder. He watched her do her magic.

He used to watch his father do it. But he never saw so much passion, like with Marinette. She did it with a smile. His father never smiled as he worked.

Chat knew she was going to succeed someday. Adrien knew it.

"You know, you could stop staring," she muttered and turned her head in his direction. He blushed. "I-I'm sorry,"

She sighed. "It's fine,"

She looked at him for a moment. "Come here," She put his arms in the air and said he had to keep them like that.

She took his measurements.

"Why was that?" he asked her.

"Maybe you get a shirt someday. Also I needed a male measurements," she said with straight face. Not a smile.

"I'm sorry," he said after a minute of silence. She looked at him. "I'm sorry for acting like an idiot,"

"Do you want to tell me why you did it?" she asked, not looking at him.

"You want the truth?"

She nodded.

"I was jealous,"



also that happened. I don't feel like it's cliffhanger, but I wrote the story so I don't feel like anything in this story is a cliffhanger.


stuck ❣ marichat [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now