I don't like this

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Okay I honestly don't like this. I've been tagged by Comic-Lover and I've never been tagged before and I'm kind of scared. I know I should be original with the title, but I'm too tired for anything else.

1) What's your favorite dog breed?

Uhh I'd have to go with Shih-Tzu, because I have one of those cuties at home and right now it fell asleep on me. Soo ..

2) What's your favorite OTP?

MARICHAT FOREVER <3 even though I'm kind of fangirling over Flash x Supergirl, right now? YES I SHIP IT. DON'T JUDGE.

3) Would you rather have Chat Noir leave the show or sleep on a bed full of worms for the whole night?

There's is no limit of what I'd do for Chat Noir (and if you ask me if I know he's a cartoon character then I'm answering the same DON'T. JUDGE and yes I'm aware thank you) It's only one night, right? RIGHT?!

4) Tikki or Plagg?

This is kind of compicated huh. I'd like Plagg for sure (I always liked him. He's basically me), but I like Tikki's adittude better. So basically I want Plagg with Tikki's behavior.

5) What's your favorite subject?

I would have to go with English, even though I'm kind of torn between that and Chemistry (yes I'm a nerd muhehe)

6) Netflix or parties?

*nervous laughing* I have never watched Netflix. *runs off*

7) Chat Noir or Ladybug?

Chat Noir is my sinnamon roll.

8) What's your favorite bend?

I would have to go with All Time Low, because I'm obsessing over A Love Like War by them and everytime I hear the song I'm just like Maaarichaaaat. (srsly stop reading this and listen to the song)

The next week is probably gonna be something totally different.

9) What is your favorite childhood show?

I have a feeling everyone is going to go with Spongebob on this question, but I'll choose Tom&Jerry. #teamtom

10) What's your major pet peeve?

I really don't like when people crave for attention the wrong way. I had the accident not long ago and I just hate it.

11) What's your favorite movie?

Uhh the avengers ... ? I think? Basically everything that's linked to superheroes. And supervillians. Yes I like those too.

12) How many siblings do you have?

I have one step-brother and one step-sister. Both younger.

13) If you can be any animal what would you be?

I'd be a jellyfish. Nobody bothers you.



1. You gotta post all the rules

2. You gotta answer all 13 questions and write 13 more for the people you choose

3. Choose 13 people to tag

4. Can't say you don't do tags

5. Tags are allowed back (muhehhe)

6. You have only one week

7. You have to be creative with the title


Yes I am aware I just broke the 7th rule. *inserts winky face* I'm a rebel.

And my questions for yaaa:

1. Favorite song?

2. What bothers you the most at fanfictions?

3. Your favorite fandom?

4. How did you get into your fandom?

5. Wayzz or Nooroo?

6. Favorite childhood memory?

7. What do you do in your free time?

8. Favorite sport?

9. Which miraculous would you be if you could choose?

10. Beach or mountains?

11. Favorite animal?

12. Computer or phone?

13. Favorite food?

and for my chosen ones (no you're not Harry Potter for god's sake!)


BlackCatWithBlueEyes (you wanted to be tagged sooo muheh)













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