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Adrien lied on his bed, finally getting home after a long day of questions. They asked him where he was or did he recognized any of the faces, but he just shook his head and acted really stupid.

Gabriel actually gave him a part of his day. No matter how cold his father could be, he cared for his son, just like any other parent.

Just as he tried to fall asleep, a loud bang was heard from the outside. He groaned. Plagg was okay now. He flew to Master Fu and he cured him completely.

"You ready?" Plagg asked as the boy stood up.

"Do I have to? I was in that costume for a week," he groaned and lazily looked at his kwami.

Plagg gave him a dead stare and Adrien rolled his eyes, before finally transforming. Honestly, he was a little afraid of not being able to transfrom back.

When he came to a crime scene, Ladybug was already there, struggling with the akuma.

When she saw Chat, her heart fell apart just by seeing him. She wanted to apologize, she wanted to be with him.

They started fighting the akuma when the damn dog showed up.

"Need a paw?" he asked and got a dead glare from Chat. "Oh right, stupid puns are your territory. Just tell me if you peed on it to mark it?"

Chat sighed, not in the mood of snapping back. He used cataclysm and helped with that so Ladybug got the object with an akuma.

She cleansed it and she wanted to fistbump Chat, but realized they weren't on good terms.

He wanted to go away, when his miraculous beeped.

"Chat, your miraculous, .." she said, looking at him.

"Yeah, thanks again," he said, turning around. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some duties to fulfill,"

"What? Something like looking for your Princess?"Chien Marron asked. Chat angrily walked towards him and stopped right infront of him.

"Look Greenie. I don't know how you work in your dog city, but I don't want you anywhere over my territory, because I just might lose my temper and do something both of us will regret later," he said, looking in his eyes. He could see something move in his eyes. Fear?

"And I'm not bothered by you helping, because it's nice to have some help, but if you start teasing me," he looked at Ladybug. "or her, we just might step on different sides and you really don't want that,"

He moved away from him and started running home.

He fell in his bed and started crying. "This is worse than ever," His transformation wore off and Plagg flew right beside his head.

"Camembert is in second drawer," Adrien muttered in his pillow. It was all wet, but he didn't care.


Someone knocked on his door and before he could answer, three teenagers ran in.

Nino was the one who was hugging the poor boy the first, but Alya followed and Marinette awkwardly hugged him after.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Nino sighed.

"I'm fine, man," Adrien forced a smile. His eyes wandered on the girl with pigtails. She was looking at the floor.

He didn't know, but she had figured him out.

Chat could transfrom back. Adrien was found. It just made sense. Adrien was at friend's. So was Chat. It was a girl in both cases.

No matter how much she didn't want to believe, it was true.

They talked a lot, Marinette looking down, not even trying to join a conversation.

Somehow Adrien was happy. But it was painful to watch a girl whom he loved, just being there, looking guilty.

"I-I'm gonna go," she said after an hour. Alya and Nino looked at her weirdly. Adrien started suspecting she knew something.

Marinette left, but Alya and Nino stayed for a while. They talked, but Adrien wasn't always on Earth. He got lost in thought a lot.

Nino and Alya finally left, so he just took a shower and sighed. He dried himself up and dressed his pijama shorts and a shirt.

"I never realized how big room you actually have," a voice said from the darkness. It startled him, so he looked all ways to find the person.

She finally came out of the dark and he recoznized her right away.

"Ladybug! W-What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to act suprised.

"Cut the act..-" she looked at him. "..-Chat,"

He smiled to himself. She figured it out.

"Okay, so what are you doing here, Marinette?" he asked, crossing his arms on his chest.

"I wanted to talk," she sat down on the sofa. Adrien just stood here, not moving.

"About what?"

Marinette had no answer to that.

She stood up from the sofa and walked over to him. "I honestly don't know."

None of them moved. They just stared at each other. "Then I don't know what you're doing here,"

"I do," she said, before stepping on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his. He kissed back without hesitation. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he put his on her waist. He moved her, so she was pushed against the wall.

His left her lips and he started leaving kisses down her jawline, getting a slight moan from her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and put her hands in his - still wet - hair.

Between everything she undid her transfrom and Tikki flew to Plagg, hugging him tightly.

"M-Marinette," he wispered between kisses.

"What?" she asked.

He moved away with all his will, which was getting smaller with a second.

"Please," he kissed her again. His will was nearly gone. "I need to know,"

Now she moved away. "What do you need, kitty?"

"I want to know what do you feel towards me, because if there's someone else, I can't do this," he said, looking away from her.

She unwapped her legs and they pulled completely away.

"Adrien..-" she started. She took his hand into hers and looked him in the eyes. "..-you're the only one,"

"Then who was the one holding you back?" he asked, drawing circles with his finger on her hand.

"You," she wispered and he nearly missed it.


"Yes, you," she sighed and shook her head.

"It was always you," she said. "Just Adrien was the first one to steal my heart, Chat just followed and that silly kitty found a way to my heart too,"

He broke the eye contact. Had she always loved him?

"Please, don't think about it too much. More thinking, more confused you'll become. I would know," she said. He pulled her closer.

"Just enjoy the moment,"






Ps after the next chapter I have a feeling all of you will adore him (not the Chloe way) 😹😹🐕🐕🐕🐶

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