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Marinette and Chat arrived home. 

He was sad again. He can't let her take care of him for a week or more! 

"Kitty cat," she sat down next to him and hugged him over the shoulder. "Stop worrying yourself,"

"But..-" Chat said, but was cut off by Marinette. "No. Stop. Whatever you're going to say, don't. If you're worried that you're going to be a burden I need to tell you, my best friends are never a burden to me,"

He sighed. She always knew what was going on in his mind. 

"But..-" she looked at him with a dead glare, so he rather shut up.

"I'm going to get some cookies. Bring them up in a few," she said, poking him playfully in the arm, trying to cheer him up.

She knew it was hard for him, but she didn't mind spending a week or so with him, no matter how much bothered her.

"Oh there you are, Marinette," Sabine said. "You have someone to babysit,"

She pulled Manon from behind her and Marinette nearly dropped the plate with cookies. This should be interesting. 

"Hi, Mari!" she exclaimed and stole a cookie from her plate. 

"Manon!" Marinette shouted, so Chat could hear. Well hoped he could hear. 

"Let's play with Ladybug dolls again," Marinette's face made a weird expression. Chat already knew she had dolls of them, but this would be even weirder.

"Uhh what about going outside?" Marinette asked. 

"No! You promised," Manon crossed her arms on her chest and Sabine looked at her daughter with a look at said 'do as you promised'. 

She sighed and nodded. She took Manon and a plate of cookies upstairs. She hoped Chat somehow hid himself. 

She entered the room carefully, so she went first and stopped Manon on the stairs. When she didn't see him, she let Manon in her room. 

Chat was hiding on her bed, putting covers as she did the night before. Nobody could see him unless they climbed on the bed. 

"Where are the dolls?" Manon asked. 

"I-I .. I'm gonna go get them," she said, before climbing onto bed. She put a plate of cookies to Chat, so he wouldn't be hungry. But he didn't feel like eating.

"Dolls?" Chat wispered. When he realized what Manon meant, he silently groaned. "I have so much blank space in my mind because of them,"

"I know, but I need to play with Manon," she wispered back. "They are behind you,"

"Who are you talking to, Mari?" Manon asked from downstairs. 

"Myself. I need to remember where I put them," she nervously laughed. 

"Can I look?" she asked. Marinette's eyes went wide.

"NO!" she exclaimed. Chat looked at her boringly. She was the worst at the tight situations. 

'They are behind you!' she mouthed to him, so he turned around and took the dolls and gave them to her. 

'Read another book' she mouthed again.

'Meet a better hook? What?' he mouthed back. 

She waved with her hand and shook her head at his mouth reading skills. 

He just silently laughed and took a book, he hadn't finished yet and started reading it again. 

"What were you doing up there?" Manon asked. "Is that anyone up there?" 

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