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5:05 PM

Silence. The silence was the only thing that rang in my ears besides the engines of the plane running constantly to keep us at the high altitude we were traveling at. My ears picked up the smallest of movements since any sound could be heard under the cloaked silence inside the plane.

Standing up I began to stride over to the restroom that was just a few steps down the length of the plane. Snatching the attention of Harry I felt his eyes on me immediately after the movement of standing up from my chair. Inwardly rolling my eyes at his high alertness, from the outside I acted as if I didn't even notice his small gesture.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harry's mouth parted before I was able to make it the full distance to the bathroom.

Again I rolled my eyes and sighed inwardly at his overprotective state. There was only so many places to go inside a plane and judging by my direction it wasn't hard to assume. Despite Harry's beautiful outward appearance, his personality was that of harsh and one that didn't match what he appeared from the outside.

"I just need to use the ladies room," I informed him looking over my shoulder slightly before returning my gaze to the door I was headed for. I needed to get away from Harry's tense and angry energy that was already starting to wear on me. How could one person stay in such an intense state constantly?

Shutting the bathroom door behind me I came face to face with the mirror. Sighing at what I looked like I did my best to fix my hair that had become tangled from sleep. Straightening out my yellow pleated shirt and light navy sweater I tugged at the clothing to clean myself up from the wrinkled mess. Combing my fingers through my hair and wiping away any imperfection due to the smudged makeup from sleep I found myself looking like me again.

The alone time I had was short lived when a hard fist pounded on the door before entering. Harry came in and quickly shut the door behind him causing me to back up in the already small space. Our body basically up against each other bringing me a whole lot of discomfort when I looked at Harry with a confused expression.

"What are you-" I wasn't surprised that I was cut off by Harry upon asking him a question. In the short time of getting to know him, one thing was for certain he was the king of interruptions.

"Listen to me, we need to get out of here now. Do you understand me?" His breath was hot against the already climbing temperature of the bathroom. Face to face he bore into my eyes never letting off the intensity he carries with him.

"What do you mean?! Harry, we are in the middle of our flight!" I rose my voice a little bit above a normal speaking voice.

"Thanks for the information Captain Obvious, that doesn't change the fact that we need to get out of here now." His green eyes reflecting urgency that was easy to see. I couldn't help but admire the brilliant color his eyes held, I had never seen that shade of green before and it was beautiful.

"Why?" I felt his hand wrap around my wrist like a watch hearing my question.

"This flight has been compromised. We need to get out now." He yanked on my wrist that had pulled me out of the bathroom with ease.

"How are we supposed to do this?" I asked him already nervous about the answer he was most likely going to give. I already knew my heart rate was climbing clear from when Harry's body was pressed against mine.

"We are jumping." He stated simply in a whisper unlocking all the safety equipment that was stored away in the plane's different compartments.

I gulped feeling the fear begin to swallow me up. I couldn't jump out of this plane, I would have a heart attack before I even reached the ground. Not only did I carry around my childish fear of the dark but I also wasn't fond of heights. Having to jump out of the sky only escalated my fear when I saw Harry suiting up with the proper equipment, with his guns tucked away in his pants he burned his eyes into mine.

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