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Remember when I said that me and Ben would never be friends? I kinda lied. I guess you can say that we're friends now. He's a really funny guy and he's chill when he's not insulting me. He had to go back to Louisiana since his break is over now. He made me promise that I would call him everyday. He also joked that he didn't need to give me his number because it's already in my phone.

I was on the phone with Ben and he asked me a question about my love life. 

"Did you find a man yet? You really need to so you can get some." 

I gasped and said, "You don't know that I'm not getting any. I could have somebody on the low that nobody knows about."

 He scoffed and said, "Star you know good and well that you don't have anybody. You're so uptight, but I know someone who can help with that."

 I hope he's not trying to set me up with one of his dusty ass friends. "His name is Dwayne and he lives in Florida too. Right now, he's playing basketball for FSU." 

I told Ben no, but he kept bothering me until I gave in. "Fine I'll talk to him, but I won't like it." 

He laughed and said, "Whatever Star. I just texted you his number, so call him as soon as you get off the phone with me."

 I sighed and said, "Ok Ben I got it."

I hung up and looked at the number he had sent me. I got up to put my phone on the charger and I went to the kitchen to get snacks. I don't have time to be caught up in a guy right now. What if I call this Dwayne guy, and I end up liking him? Where do we go from there? I've never really been in a serious relationship, so I wouldn't know what to do. Plus, I wouldn't have time for him since I'm always in the salon. Maybe I'm just over thinking this, I said out loud.

 "Over thinking what?" said a voice from behind me. I whirled around causing me to bump into the person's chest, but they caught me before I fell. I pushed him off of me and kicked him in the knee. When he fell over, I took the chance to get on top of him and I started punching him in the face. Next thing I know, Nori's pulling me away from him.

"Nori we've gotta call the police. This guy just broke into our house," I said while trying to get back at the guy.

 Nori looked at me and then the guy. "He didn't break in Star, I let him in."

 I looked at her like she had two heads. 

"This is Dwayne, the guy that Ben told you to call. Ben gave him the address and he also told me to let him in." 

I looked down and bit my lip in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for beating up on you like that," I said without looking up. He didn't say anything, so I kept staring at my feet. Nori announced that she was going to her room, so I made my way to mine.

 Dwayne blocked me and said, "Where are you going? You can't leave me in here by myself."

 I stepped around him and I went to my room. I was laying on the bed when I felt the other side go down. Dwayne had the remote and he was flipping through the channels.

"I didn't invite you here, so you can leave," I said with an attitude. 

He continued flipping through until he found A Different World. I love this show, but I'm not telling him that. 

"I know you don't want me here, but you could try to get to know me. Who knows, we may end up being like Dwayne Wayne and Whitley Gilbert, " Dwayne said with a small smile. 

"I hope you know that they broke up and Whitley almost married another man," I said smirking at him. 

He rolled his eyes and said, "But she ended up marrying Dwayne. True love always prevails." 

Love? What's that? 

"Why don't you come to the zoo with me on Saturday? Ben told me that you love animals, so what do you say?"

 I really do love animals and I thought about Ben. If I go out with Dwayne this one time, Ben might leave me alone about finding a man.

 I sighed and said, "Ok Dwayne, I'll go with you."

 He smiled in satisfaction and watched the rest of the show. I wonder what will Ben say about all of this.

Star67~Ben Simmons Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now