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It's been a little over a month since Ben has reappeared in my life. Athena has really taken to him, and I can tell that he's invested in her. He spoils her rotten, even though I don't approve. He has practice most of the time, but when he's free he comes over to spend time with her.

Some old feelings are starting to come back, but I just push them down. I told Auntie Lu about how I've been feeling lately, and she told me that I need to do what's best for my child. I was confused until she explained that I should put Athena before myself. Becoming a mother has really changed me.

Athena is with Ben in Toronto this week for a game. Since I'm childless for a week, Hailey and Nori thought we should go to Cancun together. I thought it would be fun to spend time with my girls since I hardly ever get a chance relax. 

When we got to the resort, I had to have Nori pinch me so that I knew I wasn't dreaming. That place was absolutely breath taking. Once we were settled in, Hailey suggested that we take a walk on the beach before we go exploring. Nori picked out a cute purple dress for me to wear.

While we were walking along the shore, I took in the scenery.

 "I wish Athena was here to see this, she loves going to the beach," I said while thinking about my baby girl. 

The girls smirked at each other, but they continued to walk in silence. Soon, I saw a whole bunch of people sitting in folding chairs, beautiful flowers everywhere, and a preacher.

I smiled and said, "It looks like someone is about to get married! I wanna stay and see who the lucky lady is."

 I was completely thrown off when I heard  a familiar voice booming behind me. "You're the lucky lady, Star. The first time I heard your voice, I knew that you were some special, some one different. I started loving you instantly, but my love for you grew when we separated. I thought that I had lost you forever until I ran into you. That's when I knew that we were meant to be and the fact that we have a daughter just makes everything better. I want to wake up next to you for the next fifty years. I want to grow old with you and I want to have more kids with you. With that being said," he kneeled in front of me and pulled out a ring, "Will you be my wife?"

I was crying so hard that I couldn't get the words out, so I just nodded my head yes. Ben placed the ring on my finger and the wedding began. Everything was amazing. Once we said our vows, I kissed Ben passionately. 

"How did you manage to put all of this together?" I asked with tears still in my eyes.

He looked over at the girls and said, "Hailey, Nori and Auntie Lu helped me out. I remembered back in college you told me that you always wanted to get proposed to and married in the same day. I hired a wedding coordinator and I sent invitations to all of our loved ones. Everyone was in on it, including Athena."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and I gave him a squeeze. "I'm so lucky to have you, Ben. You went through all this trouble for little ole me," I said while giggling causing him to chuckle too. 

He shook his head, "It was no trouble at all. I knew this would make you happy, so I did it. Now come on Mrs. Simmons, it's time for our honeymoon."

Isn't Ben sweet? I've always wanted to get proposed to and married in the same day lol. It's crazy, but I think that would be fun. Also, did y'all see Birdman's interview on The Breakfast Club? Omg I was so weak. I should have the new update in a few days.

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