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We rushed to my aunts house to find Hailey sitting on the couch eating a cookie. I felt here face and her neck.  I frowned, "Auntie Lu, what's going on here?" 

Athena looked up at me with her big brown eyes and said, "I'm sorry momma. I missed you and I asked Auntie Lu to make you come home." 

I sighed, "It's okay sweetheart. Get your bag, so we can go. I'll see you later Auntie."

When I got to my house, an unfamiliar car was parked in my driveway. I instantly became paranoid, and told Athena to stay in the car. I reached into the glove compartment and got my gun out. I crept up to the window of the car and peeked inside. It was Ben, and he seemed surprised to see me holding a gun.

He got out of the car and said, "Watch were you point that thing." 

I lowered my gun and said, "What are you doing here, Ben? Who gave you my address?" 

He sighed, "Nori gave me your address because I told her that I needed to talk to you. You said that I had a daughter, and I wanted to see if you were lying. It seems like you are because I don't see a child anywhere."

Before I could respond, Athena ran up and hugged my legs. "Mommy are you okay? Is the bad man back to hurt us?" 

I stroked her hair and said, "I'm okay sweetheart. The bad man is gone, okay." She nodded her head and ran to the front door.

 I was about to follow her, but Ben said, "How old is she?"

"She's 3. Look, why don't you come inside, so we can talk about this." 

He nodded his head and followed me into the house. I told Ben to make himself at home while I bathed Athena and put her to bed. I took a seat next to Ben on the couch.

"Alright, so remember how I was on birth control and all? Well there was a recall for the pill I was taking, so it wasn't effective. I found out about my pregnancy before you got drafted, but I thought it was best that you didn't know. So much was going on at the time, and you needed to focus on yourself. Me and Hailey moved out of the dorm, and got an apartment together. I put Athena in daycare, so that I could still go to school. After graduation, Hailey and I moved here so that I could start my business. Nori moved here a few months ago when I opened my salon."

"How did you come up with her name?" he asked while staring into my soul.

I shifted in my seat, "Well, I've always been obsessed with Greek mythology and I thought that it would be cool to name he after a Greek Goddess. Athena was the daughter of Zeus and the keeper of the city of Athens. She was the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and courage. I fell in love with the name because it's strong and it has a beautiful meaning behind it."

Ben sat there for a moment, "I love the name and the meaning as well, but I really wish you would have told me that I had a daughter. You knew that I really wanted a child, but I understand why you didn't tell me. I'm here now, so I'm gonna make things right."

 I put my hand up, "Hold up, I don't want you in and out of her life. Athena gets attached easily, and I don't want to be the one to wipe her tears once you leave again."

He cocked his head to the side and said, "I have you again, and you think I'm gonna leave? Star, I want to be apart of my daughter's life." 

I nodded my head and agreed. "I think co-parenting could work. We can come up with some type of schedule," I said. 

Ben didn't say anything, so I asked him was everything okay. He said, "Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking about the first time we talked to each other. You called me saying you were pregnant, remember?"

I started cracking up as I thought about the phone call that started it all. He looked at me seriously and said, "You said 'We need to work out some type of arrangement, so that our child grows up knowing both parents."

 I stared at him in shock, "I can't believe you remember my exact words." 

He let out a breath, "I remember everything you ever said to me Star. You still don't seem to understand how important you are to me, and what you mean to me. I don't want there to be an arrangement between us, Star. I want us to be a family."

"Ben, just focus on your relationship with our daughter for right now. Then maybe we can try to be a family." He looked into my eyes and leaned forward. One single kiss brought back a thousand memories. 

Things were getting heated, but I knew I couldn't do have sex with him. "Ben, I can't do this with you."

"Why not? Are you on you period?" he asked sounding concerned. "Star, you know you can tell me anything right?"

 When I started crying, Ben held me in his arms. "A few weeks ago, I was lying in bed when I heard something break. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife before I went to see what happened. A man had broken in and he tackled me and almost raped me. I wrestled with him until I was able to get the best of him, and I stabbed him in the neck. The worst part is, Athena came down stairs and she had seen the whole thing."

When I heard him sniffle, I knew he was crying too.

 "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I wish I could've been there to protect y'all. That must be why Athena was worried about you earlier. And that explains why you had a gun." 

I laughed and wiped his tears and he wiped mine. "I had a security system installed and I have several guns. I was blessed to come out of the situation alive, so I started going to church."

Ben smiled at me and said, "Let me go to church with y'all on Sunday. I need to get my praise on."

 I giggled at his foolishness and I told him he could come. He fake yawned and started stretching as if he were tired.

 "You used to do the yawn and stretch when you wanted to spend the night. You're not slick." 

He pouted and said, "Come on, I'll keep my hands to my self." I gave in and let him stay the night.

When we got to my room, he hopped on my bed. "I'm so happy you have a California King bed. I thought I was gonna be cramped on a little bed."

 I just shook my head and changed into my pajamas. Ben took his pants and his shirt off. Lawd have mercy on me. His body has gotten so much better over time. We climbed into bed and I couldn't help but put my leg on him like I used to. 

He laughed and said, "I miss you doing that." I smiled and said good night before drifting off to sleep.

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