Chapter 5- Little Wimpy Kid

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I somehow ended up in New York (don't ask) and started to hide in the shadows too tired to change back as I found a back alley.

Shaking the water that the rain brought last night I slowly made my way toward the dumpster. I hated to do this but I was hungry and it's not like there are a lot of rabbits around New York streets.

Not feeling up for going dumpster diving I hid underneath it the best I could, curled in a small ball, and tried to stay warm as my eyes slowly slid shut.

Someone hitting some sort of metal sheet nearby made me perk up and crawl out from under the dumpster as I slowly made my way toward the fighting..

"I can do this all day." A male voice said as I rounded the corner finding a frail looking boy who had his hands up seeming to try and take on a kid larger than him. I say kid but the guy was like a giant and reminding me too much of Gabe.

Stepping out of the shadows I started to growl at the larger kid while slowly shifting to stand in front of the other kid who was taking the beating like a champ.

"What your little doggie gonna protect you. He's just a wimp like you." The man taunted and I narrowed my eyes and I showed my canines showing that I wasn't a dog, I was a wolf and that he should fear me no matter my size.

Once the guy saw that I wasn't actually a dog he stumbled backward before his eyes narrowed and took a dangerous step toward me.

I took a step forward warningly and waited to see what he would do.

"Get out of the way mutt." He said taking a step forward and seemed to reach down to grab the scruff of my neck before I turned and bite his hand, hard enough to not draw blood or pierce the skin but enough that he got the message.

The guy yelped, pulled his hand away, glared at me and the champ of getting beat up and then muttered 'later time dork, you're little dog can't protect you forever,' and walked away while rubbing the hand I bite.

Once he was gone I relaxed and turned to start walking away before stumbling, right hungry. This was a problem as I stopped and pawed at my head to stop the dizziness before trying to walk away.

Keyword: trying.

"Where you going?" The guy asked picking me up by the scruff and I was about to bite his hand before he placed me properly in his arms.

I shifted a bit and laid my head down, I didn't have enough strength or willpower to leave the hands. That missing piece that I felt seemed to be nonexistent as I laid in this random guy's arms.

Yawning I snuggled as I looked and watched the guy smile, "My momma always said that if someone helped you, you should help them. You look a little hungry?" he somewhat asked as we started our way out of the alley and down some street.

I perked up at the mention of food and snuggled in his arms showing him that I wouldn't leave anytime soon.

We walked for a bit before we ended up at a small apartment. Looking at the kid he was smiling as we made our way up.

Once we got to a door he opened it and slowly the old musty house smell hit my nose making me sneeze before squirming to go look around.

The stranger laughed and let me down slowly to make sure I didn't hurt myself and as soon as I was on the ground my nose was down and was sniffing as I took in all the scents.

I heard containers shift as I ended up sniffing near the guy before the scent of ham picked my nose drawing my attention away from the kitchen area to the ham that Steve had in his hand as I licked my lips.

Stranger-who-had-ham kneeled near me as I scrambled over to him and ignoring personal boundaries I stepped on his knee using it as leverage as my mouth went toward the piece of ham that seemed to be getting higher in the air as the kid laughed.

"Down." he said pushing my off his knee but that didn't stop me from trying to move again. The same result happened as I stared at him expectantly, "Sit." he commanded and I gave a blank look.

What did I look like a dog! Wait...sighing I sat down and expectantly looked at the ham.

"Fine." The-guy-who-wouldn't-give-me-ham said as the ham went near my mouth.

Standing up quickly I reached the ham before he could pull it back. As I gobbled the ham I felt the kids hands near the small necklace around my neck.

"Percy hmm?" The guy muttered mostly to himself as his hands started to pet the top of my head nice and careful and it was really, really, nice.

Leaning into the hand I nuzzled his hand in greeting as the guy smiled, "Name's Steve." he said as he started to pet me more.

He moved from my head to my back before I laid down and showed my stomach for petting. The guy laughed as he slowly pet the patch of white before he hit that one spot that always made my right hind leg thump.

I would've enjoyed this more but I heard steps coming toward the door before I perked up and sat up, I was still laying down but was now in a position that I could easily attack someone if necessary.

"It's probably Bucky." Steve said as he pet my head showing that it was alright. I laid my head down on the floor as I heard a key jangle and go into the door lock before the door opened.

"Hey Steve, so I'm back for a small bit and my girl and I were wondering if you wanted to join us in seeing the new Stark invention downtown?" The guy-Bucky asked as he walked in.

"Sounds awesome." Steve said grinning. Clearly if they didn't allow pets I was gonna have to break in and find Steve because it was obvious that he needed some backup.

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