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"Nice work son." Dan's dad pats his shoulder as they look at the decorated ball room. "I'm very proud of you." Dan feels a sudden wave a confidence and stands up a little bit straighter. He might be angered by his father's ways, but receiving his pride made Dan's shoulders feel lighter.

"Thanks dad, I'm really glad you appreciate it." He gave his father a small hug before pulling away. "I'm going to go get ready now, I don't think sweat pants are appropriate to meet the other royals." His father lets out a soft laugh, putting a smile on Dan's face.

He hasn't felt so close to his father for as long as he can remember.

"Agreed, go on then." His dad dismissed him and Dan ran to his room. He swings open the door and closes it behind when. Then he strips down into just his underwear before pulling on his black pants and a white button up shirt, carefully stringing the buttons threw the holes on the other side. When that's done he wraps a tie around his neck, puts it under the collar, then ties it tightly around his neck but keeping it loose enough to breathe. After that he puts on the suit jacket, only buttoning the middle two buttons. Than he puts his mask on and ties it in the back.

With one final look he smiles confidently than rushes down the hall to see if anyone is arriving. He peeks through the door and see that there's already a big group of royals and guards. Dan smiles and walks in, deciding to mingle before he goes off to initiate his plan of sneaking Phil into the castle.

Time seems to tick by slowly as he talks to people who he doesn't know by any sort of name basis. All he's knows is that they're royal, and that most of them are just rich snobs trying to get any spare change out if someone they can. When the sun starts to set, Dan uses the bathroom excuse to sneak out of the ballroom and into the back garden, where he's meeting his boyfriend.

The garden is filled with the noises of birds and crickets deciding that the night is the best time to let their voices be heard. The prince walks to the tap door hidden behind some bushes and waits for Phil's knock. When he hears it he opens up the small trap door for him and helps his boyfriend get all his materials out before he helps Phil up.

"Do you need help putting on your outfit?" Dan asks, pointing to the extra shirts Phil's holding in his hands.

"Um, no thanks. But can you put my hair extensions in? " He asks. Dan nods and they trade the objects in their hands. Dan places the same extra shirts on the ground while Phil slips his feet into the dress and pulls it up his body and makes sure his tang top straps are hidden under the dress. As he does that Dan works on getting the hair extensions to stay in his hair and look realistic.

"Can you zip this?" Phil asks Dan as he struggles to reach the zipper.

"Mhm." He lets the hair extensions he hadn't put in yet hang over his shoulder as he zips the dress up. "There you go." Dan says before he gets back to adding the last of the extensions in. As he does that Phil slips his jacket on.

Phil then turns around towards Dan. "How does it look?" Phil asks, putting on a small smile.

"If I were straight I'd want you to be my girlfriend." Dan smiles taking a few steps forward and kissing his cheek. "But you forgot the extra shirts on the ground."

"Oh gosh." Phil reaches down to try and get them but his dress prevents him from doing so.

Dan laughs before telling Phil, "I've got it." And grabbing the shirts for him. The Prince then shoves the shirts into Phil's and his boyfriend's face is read the whole time. "There we go."

"Thanks." Phil mumbles, face still red. "Oh, almost forgot," his eyes widen at his realization and he takes out a blue box with a red bow on top that's attached to a note that he had put in his jacket pocket. "Your present."

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