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A few weeks later

Cat walks down the street on this rainy day in September. The clouds covered up the sun and the rain had stop pouring. Her jacket hugged her body tightly to keep her body warm as she made her way down to a house she had never been before.

When she apostate house she's looking for she walks up the small pathway  leading to the front door before knocking. "Coming!" A voice calls from the inside. Cat smiles softly at the voice but soon wipes it off her face, she has a job to do, best not blow it. The door opens and a man appears in the doorway with glasses pushed up to the bridge of his nose and his hair slightly messy.

"Um, hello?" He greets as if it was a question. His body is tense and he defiantly seems uneasy with this girl standing in front if his who is tied in a jacket but in a formal guard uniform.

"Hello, Phil right?" The man nods his head and pushes up his black framed glasses to keep them from falling off his face. "I'm Cat, we've met once before. I'd like to ask you some questions." She looks at his forehead to make it look like she's looking at him but she is actually avoiding contact at all means.

"O-of course! Come in come in!" He waves for her to come in and she graciously does. Cat takes her shoes off and puts them on a mat and hangs up her soggy coat.

"Dil!" A small child's voice calls and runs into the room. Her wide smile fades as soon as she sees the woman. "Who are you?" She asks.

"I'm Cat. I'm one of the only woman guards at the castle." Cat tells her, kneeling down to the young girls height.

"You work with the Prince?" Her eyes light up once more.

"Somewhat. Mostly the king though." The kids face falls once again.

"Oh, well, if you see the Prince can you tell him I said hi?" The child puffs out her bottom lip and gives Cat puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, I'll just need your name so I can tell him it's from you."

"Winnie." The little girl says, pushing her wavy red hair out of her face.

"Winnie, that's a pretty name." Cat smiles and ruffles the girls hair, making her giggle.

"Winnie, why don't you go upstairs and let the grownups talk?" Phil suggests.

"But I am a grown-up!" Winnie protests, crossing her arms.

"Sweetheart, you're ten." Phil shakes his head. "Please go upstairs?"

"Fine." She groans and heads towards the stairs.

"Love you Pooh bear!" Phil calls after her.

"Love you to dad!" She replies from up the stairs.

"Pooh Bear?" Cat asks.

"Ya, like Winnie the Pooh." He shrugs awkwardly but smiles nonetheless. "Anyway, I have to take a phone call real quick so you can sit not he couch over there." Phil points to the grey couch in the lounge before walking into his room and pulling out his phone to call his husband.

"Pick up pick up..." he mumbles into the ringing phone and occasionally glancing up at the door to make sure that Cat isn't about to open it.

"What's up P-dawg?" Dan answers in a cheery tone.

"Cat's here." Phil says, getting right to the point and not wasting anytime.


"She wants to ask me questions. I think about you, what should I say?"

"Um, your my favorite butler, we're bffls," Phil chuckles at that. "And you don't usually come to the castle unless I personally request you since you have a life of your own?" Dan suggests.

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