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Phil walks into his house and throws his bag on the floor. "Winnie I'm home!" He calls to his daughter.

"Hi dad! I'm upstairs and I brought a friend home from school with me, hope you don't mind." She replies from her room.

"That's fine sweetheart," Phil says, but soon takes it back when he hears laughter, but not a girl's laughter, a boy's laughter. Phil freezes as his parenting instincts start to shine through. A boy, alone, with my daughter? Phil thinks to himself as he starts to feel angered. If he lays one hand on her...

He doesn't think twice before calling Dan who picks up after a few rings. "Phil, is this about what happened in the bathroom two days ago because-"

"That's not what I was calling about. There's a guy in Winnie's room with her. I don't know who and I'm worried." Phil says, getting straight to the point.

"Woah, calm down Phil. Maybe he's gay?" Dan suggests.

"Maybe he's not." Phil says.

"Winnie can fend for herself." Dan tells Phil to calm him down.

"What if she can't?"

"She wouldn't have invited him over if she thought he was a threat." Dan insists.

"I wouldn't have gone over my girlfriend's house if I knew she wanted more than to watch a movie and have dinner together." Phil says sternly, reminding Dan of his overly touchy girlfriend.

"Yeesh, you got me there. Um, go on the internet and look up hentai audio."

"What?! Dan what are you getting at?" Phil asks curiously.

"If you play it loudly for a few seconds they'll definitely be out of that room to see what's going on." Dan explains.

"No, Dan I'm wouldn't do that unless my life depended on it. Any other ideas?"

"Loud metal music, or emo music. No questions, just do it." Dan states.

"Alright." Phil sighs and hooks his laptop up to a Bluetooth speaker in Winnie's room. He searches 'metal music' on YouTube and clicks on the first thing that comes up. Then he clicks on volume and puts it at one hundred. "I hope this will work." Phil mutters to Dan.

"It would work for me if someone blasted metal music randomly. I'd want to know what party they were having and why I wasn't invited." Dan jokes, earning a small laugh from Phil.

He hears the sound of a door opening and some muffled metal music that is followed by some footsteps. "Dad, what the heck are you listening to?" Winnie asks as her footsteps are heard bouncing down the stairs with a pair of footsteps behind hers.

"What? Oh nothing sweetie, I was just listening to something that came up on my recommended and my laptop just won't make a sound! I set the volume to one hundred and everything!" Phil says innocently as Dan laughs so hard on the phone Phil is sure he'll hurt his stomach.

"Dad, I love you, but you're an idiot most of the time." Winnie sighs and walks towards him to help him out with his problem.

"Hi Phil." Phil looks up and sees that the voice belongs to Charlie, Winnie's best friend, who was also as straight as a circle.

"Hi Charlie. Never mind it's just Winnie's best friend." Phil tells Dan with a relieved sigh and a faint smile.

"But aren't you mad they were alone together? If it's Chris's son I'd hate to see what he picked up from his father."

"Calm down, this kid is as gay as it gets." Phil explains to Dan with a laugh.

"Hey I heard that! But I don't take any offense to it." Charlie says with a tooth grin to show he's proud of who he is.

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