Chapter 12

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~Time skip to Monday~

I woke up to my alarm blaring 'Kick Me' by Sleeping With Sirens (curently my favorite song) It was my first day of school today.

I got up, took a shower and changed into my uniform. Except im not wearing a skirt. The guys told me i had to but when they asked the principal who, said it was ok for me to wear pants instead.

So i did. To anyone who thinks im gonna wear a skirt can go suck a dick! I know Josh told me I couldnt curse so I dont out loud around them, but whenever they're not around i curse ever sentence I say.

I was gonna put my hair in a pony tail but after 5 attempts I quit. So im just gonna have to ask Josh.

I went downstairs to find Josh eating breakfast. Josh handed me a bowl of cereal once I sat down.

"You ready for your first day of school?" He asked me.

"Absolutely not." I said. It would be my first time going to an actual school since all my life the headmistess was the only person that would teach me.

"Well, I bet you'll be fine. Now comeon, dont want to be late do we?" Josh said and got up.

I got up as well, and followed Josh to his car. We got in and left.

"Bye! Dont get introuble. Try making friends, do you have your lunch? Are-" Josh started to ramble when we parked.

"Josh chill! Im only gonna be gone for 8 hours! You're making it sound like im leaving forever! I'll be fine I promise. Bye!" I said, kissed Josh's cheek and got out the car.

I stood infront of the building just looking around. Until I made eye contact with someone I knew too well.

He had his arms wide open while I ran to him and hugged him.

"Alex! Its been forever! I went to the orphanage but they said you got adopted! I thought I would never see you again!" Matthew, my friend from the orphanage said still hugging me.

"I thought I'd never see you again either! But i did get adopted!" I said and let go of the hug.

"That's amazing! Who's your homebase teacher? (I heard UK schools are really different than American schools so bare with me here im just saying stuff from my school)

"Um, Mrs. Simring." I said remembering the name on the letter that was sent to us.

"Oh shit, I have Mr. Tomar. What's your last subject before lunch?"

"Math with Mr.Hepner." I responded. I had memorized my schedule before hand because I knew I was going to lose the paper. Which I infact did lose after 2 days of getting it in the mail.

"Ok, I'll meet you outside his classroom before lunch. Oh wait! Come meet my friends!" Matthew said and started to drag me over to two boys and 3 girls.

"Guys." Matthew started causing the group of people to look at us. "This is Alex. One of my friend's outside of school. Alex, this is Bella, Karim, Alexis, Tramine, and Rosalina or Rozzy." Matthew continued.

"Ohhh Matthew found a girlfriend!" The girl with brown hair reaching to her back and pink glasses-Rozzy- teased.

"She's not my girlfriend." Matthew stated.

"So...... How did you guys meet?" the guy with tanned skin - Tramine- asked.

"I saw her sitting on a swing outside an orphanage, walked up to and started talking to her." Matthew explained.

"Bitch please. You were riding your skateboard outside of the orphanage while I was walking around and crashed into me. Doesnt even say sorry either, just stares up at me and asks the most random question, "Are you Filipino?" I explained.

The other laughed while Matthew just playfully punched my shoulder.

"Well that question is what got us to become friends and talk more wasnt it?" He stated proudly.

"Fine whatever!" I said. I mean it was true, he asked me if I was filipino, I said yes, and we started talking. Since then he has been visiting every Saturday. He would teach me some words in Tagalog since I didnt know any. And after that we would just talk.

"Anyways, who do you guys have for homebase?" Matthew asked.

"Mr. Miles." Tramine said.
"Mr.Tomar"Alexis and Bella said.
"Mrs.Simring" Karim and Rozzy said.

"What about you guys?" Tramine asked.

"Mr.Tomar" Matthew responded.
"Mrs.Simring" I said.

"Damn im the only one with Mr.Miles? That sucks." Tramine said disappointed .

"Sorry bud," Karim and Matthew said.

"Karim, Rozzy can you guys show Alex around? It's her first time in an actual school." Matthew asked.

"Yeah sure." Rozzy said.

"Thanks!" Matthew said as the bell rung.

"Bye guys! See you at lunch!" with that we went our seperate ways, me following Karim and Rozzy as they explained a few things.

"Ew, who are you and why are you wearing a guy's uniform?" I heard someone say as the person walked up to me.

"Im Alex. And for your information I can wear pants if I fucking want to. Now who the fuck are you?" I said back to the chick.

"Im your worst fucking nightmare." She said.

"I asked for your name dumbass!" I responded. She stomped away angrily while Karim and Rozzy laughed.

"Ok who the fuck was that?" I asked them.

"Her name is Yazmin, she's the school's drama queen." Rozzy responded.

"Damn she's a bitch" I responded rolling my eyes.


Hey all you awesome sauce readers!

So a quick warning, I recently added this to the description. But there will be jokes about suicide and self harming so please, if that triggers you or you just dont like jokes about that stuff please stop reading now.

Thats all for today, hope you enjoyed, if you did,




Stay Fabals

~Joie out 😘💜💜

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