Chapter 35

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March 18, 2017

Alex POV

We were all sat in our hotel room, all together, with a camera in front of us.

It was recording, but none of us knew how to start. We were making a video explaining what happened since we were all dead on the internet. No one twitted anything, snapchated anything, posted anything on Instagram, or posted a video to youtube.

On the first day we disappeared, people were hating on the guys for not posting, while I received all the questions.

On the second day, people were still giving hate and questions, but some were worried.

On the third day, more people got worried, but that didnt stop the hate and questions.

On the fourth day foward, everyone was worried, and everyone was asking questions.

We decided that it was time to tell them, but not to much. It is our personal lives.

"Hey guy Alex here. And today im with the rest of the Sidemen, minus Dad. You might notice that we're in a different place and that we haven't been on the internet at all. That's what we're here to explain today." I started. No one would start, and I just wanted to get this done and over with.

"Yup. Now this is gonna be a more serious topic. So if you dont like these types of videos then click off now." JJ said.

"If you heard on the news lately, there was a house that burned down. That house, just happened to be, the Sidemen house." Simon said with a sigh.

"We're not gonna go into detail on how the fire started or the aftermath of the fire. But to sum it up, nothing survived." Vikk continued.

"Obviously we're all okay. Tobi, Ethan and I are here to help them in every way possible. But there were 2 people who weren't able to make it out of the house." Harry said.

"Those 2 people were Alex, and Josh. Alex couldnt get out of the house so Josh ran in to try and save her." Ethan said.

"On their way out, their exit got blocked by parts of the roof falling in front of it." Tobi started to explain, but I continued on for him.

"When that happened, we got trapped. That exit was the only way out. So Dad. He. He. He put himself over me and. And used himself as a sheild for me." I started to cry. Vikk started to comfort me since he was next to me.

"When they both got to the hospital, the doctor said they were both in a coma, but Alex would wake up in 2 or 3 days. Josh they weren't to sure about since a part of the roof had collapsed ontop of them both. And to this day, Josh is still in a coma." Tobi finished for me. I continued to cry.

Nobody did an outro. Nobody edited the video. They just stopped the recording and took turns passing around the camera so that they can post it. The video was about 7 minutes long. The first 2 minutes were just us looking at each other, for one of us to start.


3rd Person POV

The year 7 students were all silent as they huddled up in groups. The ones who watched the Sidemen at least.

Matthew, Tramine, Karim, Rozzy, Bella, Alexis, Isaiah, Nick, Emmanuel, Cammie and Luna were one of the groups.

You might be wondering why everyone was huddled up in groups. Well, most of them just got the notification that the Sidemen channel and the rest of the Sidemen posted the same video titled, 'We're not dead'

Of course since it was recess, everyone was able to watch it, as long as they had data to use.

The group of friends were all crowded around Nick who was the one playing the video.

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